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Everything posted by Shelly

  1. This worked perfectly @tuanphan, thank you yet again!!!!
  2. @Tuanphan The button is working very well--thank you again! However this block of copy and button are getting cut off on mobile view. Any idea why that is happening?
  3. Ahh @tuanphan it's working now, thank you!!!!!
  4. This didn't work for me. Right now I have that text linking to the RESOURCES page. I tried changing "#newsletter to #resources but no luck either. Any other ideas? Thanks in advance!
  5. OK thank you. I think I will opt to just link the button to another page on the site to avoid the javascript. I've created the text link and it's live on the page now. Thanks again!
  6. @tuanphanthanks for getting back to me so quickly. Ideally I'd like the button to link to a pop-up menu to subscribe. Is that possible, and if so should I start by creating that text link?
  7. I want to add a button below text to a gallery image (like the attached screenshot). The website I'm working on is https://www.thejupegroup.com (password is: RJupe10). I want to add a button to subscribe under the text in the "Connect with Us" block. Right now I have that block and the image to the left of it set up as side-by-side gallery images. I'm using the Blend template in the Brine family. Any CSS tips would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!!
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