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Posts posted by KevinWalton

  1. Hi,

    I was wondering if someone could help me with this Javascript I was creating with ChatGPT. 

    Basically I am trying to make an easier solution to eliminate the lock screen on a Sqs site for many projects I am planning, in this Js, when you click anywhere on the page, it will automatically fill in the answer in the form. What is happening is it's working, but it doesn't seem to be sending the confirmation to the console. I need to directly click the actual form, or press the arrow twice. 

    I know I am so close. Let me know if anyone can help.


    Password is 1


    document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
        var slideLayer = document.querySelector('.sqs-slide-layer.layer-front.full-width-height');
        if (slideLayer) {
            slideLayer.addEventListener('click', function() {
                var formBlock = document.querySelector('.password-form .password-input'); // Assuming the form block has a textarea
                if (formBlock) {
                    formBlock.value = '1';
                    // Simulate pressing Enter key
                    var enterKeyEvent = new KeyboardEvent('keydown', {
                        key: 'Enter',
                        bubbles: true,
                        cancelable: true,
                window.location.href = '/';


  2. Hi, I am trying to remove this specific javascript only on the about page to add in a plugin. It's the wavy smoke background effect that is on the site. The javascript is called blast off:


    What I need is a new javascript that to completely eliminates the blast off from the site only on About. I have tried ChatGPT, looked up many forums to eliminate JS from a site, but Squarespace handles JS differently, and I have no idea what I am doing when it comes to JS.

    Let me know if you have any questions.


    Website: https://kevinwalton2024.squarespace.com

    Password: 1

  3. Website: https://kevinwalton-portfolio-2023.squarespace.com/about

    Password: 1


    Hi guys, 

    Can anyone help out with my problem I am solving? On my About Page, I have added a script called Luxy JS. This makes the web page scroll slower. The only problem, is that it doesn't show the footer. The reason for that is because the Footer HTML block is not located in the one I have Luxy JS synced to, which is called Article. 

    What I need to do is move the HTML Footer into Article using some kind of JS. Can someone help? Below is a screenshot of what I am looking for


    Here is the Luxy JS Code below, and is only located in the About page of the site above:

    <script src="https://min30327.github.io/luxy.js/dist/js/luxy.js"></script>
    $(document).ready(function() {
            wrapper: 'article',
            wrapperSpeed: 0.045,


    CleanShot 2023-10-12 at 10.01.00@2x.jpg

  4. Hello, I am trying to code the header to be mix blend mode. I have found a way to do so, but it effects the hamburger menu as well. I want to remove the mix blend mode on the hamburger menu when it is opened. And when it is closed, mix blend mode will enable again.
    I am also interested in any other ways to customize specific target elements like the header-title-text to be mix blend mode, but I cannot figure it out.

    I have been trying to accomplish this for 2 years and I am starting to get tired of trying. Can anyone help me?


    Code below of what I have so far

    function toggleheaderburger() {
      const header = document.getElementById('header');
      const headerburger = document.getElementById('header-burger');
      const headerburgerbtn = document.getElementById('header-burger-btn');
      if (headerburgerbtn.classList.contains('burger--active')) {
        // Hamburger menu is opened, set blend mode to "normal"
        header.style.mixBlendMode = 'normal';
      } else {
        // Hamburger menu is closed, set blend mode to "difference"
        header.style.mixBlendMode = 'difference';


  5. Site URL: https://www.kevinwalton.ca

    Need help coding this to my website. 


    I have been trying for 6 hours but I cannot figure this out. Trying to add this to photos with the class:




    @import url(https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Montserrat:700);
      font-family: 'Montserrat', sans-serif;
    .parallax {
      perspective: 1px;
      height: 100vh;
      overflow-x: hidden;
      overflow-y: auto;
      -webkit-perspective: 1px;
      perspective: 1px;
      position: absolute;
      left: 50%;
      top: 50%;
      -webkit-transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
      transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
    .layer {
      position: absolute;
      top: 0;
      left: 0;
      right: 0;
      bottom: 0;
      padding: 100vh 0;
    .base {
      transform: translateZ(-2px) scale(3);
    .closer {
      transform: translateZ(-1px) scale(2);
    .closest {
      transform: translateZ(0);


  6. Site URL: https://lily-oboe-g479.squarespace.com

    Password is "1"


    I have been working on this for over 6 hours and I cannot figure out how to add Parralaxing to my site. 

    I want to mainly add it to parallax images when you scroll, I just want to figure out how to add it to image blocks but I don't know where to put the ID and the Class. 

    Here is the code from this site: 




    <div class="wrapper">
      <div class="parallax-container">
        <div class="background">
          <img class="background__image" src="https://s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/daily-fire-assets/codepen-assets/building.jpg" />
        <div class="foreground">
          <div class="foreground__content">
            <h1>Oooo, parallax</h1>



    /* layout */
    .wrapper {
      display: flex;
      justify-content: center;
      align-items: center;
      height: 420px;
    /* Parallax Styles */
    .parallax-container {
      position: relative;
      width: 100%;
      height: 100%;
      overflow-x: hidden;
      overflow-y: scroll;
      perspective: 8px;
      perspective-origin: 0%;
      display: flex;
    .background {
      position: absolute;
      top: 0;
      left: 0;
      width: 100%;
      height: 100%;
      transform: translateZ(0px);
    .foreground {
      margin-top: auto;
      margin-bottom: 50px;
      transform-origin: 0;
      transform: translateZ(3px) scale(0.625);
      /* Uncomment the code below to see the difference the scale property makes! */
      /* transform: translateZ(3px); */
      /* transform: translateZ(0) scale(1); */
    .foreground h1 {
      font-size: 36px;


  7. Site URL: https://lily-oboe-g479.squarespace.com/

    Password is "1"


    I have no idea how to install Rolly.js to my site. I want to have smooth scrolling but I know nothing of javascript. 

    Here is the website where you install it: 



    Here is where you install it: 



    Someone please help me



    - Kevin


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