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Posts posted by Rudybro

  1. Hello! I'd love to have two checkout options on my product pages. Both "add to cart" and "checkout" buttons. It seems like the only option with out custom code is one or the other. I'd like to offer both options to my customers, especially as most are shopping on mobile and it makes the UX a lot easier. 


    I have a lot of products, is there an easy fix for this?

  2. I'm currently on the annual subscription Personal Plan that doesn't renew until May. I'd like to upgrade my plan to the Business plan. When I try to upgrade I have to pay for an entirely new annual plan or pay for the monthly plan which doesn't go into effect until my Personal plan is up in May. 

    How do I upgrade to the new plan without having to double pay an entirely new annual plan. I'd like to just pay the difference.... 


  3. If I already paid annually for a personal plan and before that plan is up want to upgrade to business will I have to pay for both plans? 

    It looks like the only options are pay monthly...but it won't go into effect into my previous billing cycle is up in May or pay for it annually and not get reimbursed for the remaining time on my personal annual plan?


    Screen Shot 2022-11-24 at 9.08.05 AM.png

  4. Hey! I'm hoping to add different sku images for different variants. So I have one shirt in 3 sizes. I'd like use an image of each size for my fulfillment center. When I add them to different variants though, it shows that image publicly on the product image. 

    Is there a way to have a photo for each sku that doesn't show up publicly but can be referenced for shipping/fulfillment? 

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