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Posts posted by Inkdave

  1. Hey @tuanphan

    This sort of works thanks. You still see it for a fraction of second after you click the play button... but it's better then what is was!

    Also overall effect of this code is that pause button is now permanently removed. So the user needs to guess they need to click to pause video.

    Is there any other solution for this? Feels like it must be a really common problem. 


  2. Hi All

    How can you disable hover effect on buttons? At the present it fills in black and looks terrible. I would like it to do nothing. The cursor change to a hand is enough.

    Secondly is there a way to set a maximum size for buttons?
    Again currently if I scale browser on a large screen the buttons end up huge!

    Any help greatly appreciated

    site: www.studioyoung.com


  3. Hi All

    thanks for suggestions.

    @tuanphan using this code but it just changes background colour from black to my light grey. So the bar is still there, however I prefer this to the black that was appearing. I think...

    @LoftyDevscode doesn't seem to have any effect? Bar still remains when scrolling desktop in Chrome.

    @karan thanks for feedback.

    I would love to stop this problem from happening if possible so appreciate any further suggestions.


  4. Hi All

    Wonder if anyone can help me with this annoying glitch. 

    When scrolling on desktop, if you scroll up you see this back background / bar appear and disappear.

    Is there anyway to stop this from happening so content at top of page remains fixed in position?

    See image attached and site: https://studioyoung.com/contact

    Many thanks in advance



    Screenshot 2024-06-03 at 15.15.11.png

  5. Hi all

    This is is driving me crazy so would appreciate help.

    When viewing my site on desktop:

    I click to play a video and the video starts playing. If I move my mouse at all after this initial click to play,
    the pause button immediately appears!  Which is annoying as it get's in the way of the playing video.

    Is there a way to disable this feature?

    Any help greatly appreciated.



  6. Hi All

    Need some help adjusting the font size of the Video Description  and  reducing the spacing between the Video and Video Description itself.

    I have specified the Description font size in CSS, however I would like it to adjust in size when browser is scaled and for mobile. Currently it just stays the same size.

    CSS used:

    /* caption font size on videos */
    .video-caption * { 
     font-size:16pt !important; 
     padding-top: 0px !important;

    Page in question: Page: https://studioyoung.com/test

    I'm also having trouble reducing the spacing/padding between description and video any more then it currently is. 

    Appreciate the help.


    Screenshot 2024-05-30 at 11.57.22.png

  7. Hi All

    Struggling with something I thought would be simple, but is proving anything but...

    I'm trying to create a page of videos, each video has a project title placed underneath it.  I need a way to define a fixed margin between the video and its corresponding title. So that when a user scales browser, the margin between the two remains fixed/locked.

    If you view : https://studioyoung.com/test  and scale browser, you will see how project title moves all over the place. 
    The plan is to have say 6-8 videos on this page, so I'm looking for a solution that can be applied to each individual video and corresponding title.

    Hope that makes sense.

    Appreciate any help!

  8. Hi all

    Stuck on what I thought would be something simple to implement... Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    I want to include a showreel video on my site.
    This needs to exist in two formats, so it looks good for both Desktop and Mobile views.

    I've created two separate video files:
    — 16x9 For Deskstop
    — 4x5 Mobile

    How can I code via CSS to switch the assets for corresponding device?

    website: www.studioyoung.co.uk

    video block in question

    image reference attached.

    Many thanks for help in advance as this is driving me insane!




    Screenshot 2024-05-10 at 11.41.55.png

  9. Hey thanks for reply. I need that to ensure the padding is correct at the top of each section. This ensures sticky function works for each section correctly.

    Also I did try removing but I'm afraid it didn't.

    If you scale browser line will appear.

    Any other ideas?


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