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Everything posted by wkonitzer

  1. @creedonAppreciate the help here, but I could never get it to work correctly.. Instead I now just have the link pointed to a sub website which runs a php script and does a redirect to the correct place. If I get some time I'll try out your solution again.
  2. @tuanphan on mobile top right there are 3 horizontal lines, that clicked bring up new page with icons at the bottom. I believe it's called the "overlay menu" on the mobile design.
  3. @creedon thanks I will give this a go 🙂 I think your if statement only needs "23" in it though - at the moment the link will change from 6-8pm CST I believe.
  4. Site URL: https://www.willkonitzer.com Hi, When I view my site in a mobile browser and pull down the menu - all the links appear at the bottom of the page and they flow off the page. How do I move the links up so they are centered on the page and split over 2 lines? I suspect this is easy to do quickly if you know how 🙂 Thanks, -Will
  5. Site URL: https://www.willkonitzer.com Hi, I have a button on my website "Listen now" where I'd like the target url to change pending on the time of day. Every Friday from 6pm-7pm CST I want it to point to website B, while at all other times I want it to point to website A. What is the best way to achieve this? I was thinking some javascript code, but I'm not sure how to apply it within the squarespace design framework. If someone is able to provide some pointers, that would be much appreciated. -Will
  6. @bangank36 This is awesome - exactly what I needed. One thing I noticed was on the mobile view the replacement icons are slightly out of alignment with the rest. If you have an idea how to correct that, that would be amazing, but if not, no problem - I appreciate the assistance. -Will
  7. Site URL: http://www.willkonitzer.com Hi, I've added some social media icons for my site, but Bandcamp and Mixcloud aren't included with the standard Squarespace stylesheets. I'm hoping someone knows how I could replace the link icon that is currently there with the icons for Bandcamp and Mixcloud from font awesome. I'm trying to use this custom css @media only screen and (min-width:640px) { .icon--fill:nth-of-type(4) { svg { display:none; } background-image: url(IMAGEURL); background-size: 100%; background-repeat: no-repeat; } } .header-menu-actions-action:nth-of-type(4) { svg { display:none; } background-image: url(IMAGEURL); background-size: 100%; background-repeat: no-repeat; } but I'm not sure how to incorporate the font awesome CSS. <i class="fab fa-mixcloud"></i> I should have the font awesome style sheet loaded, and I'm sure his is fairly simple if you know how! Any help much appreciated.
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