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Posts posted by DanBLBCo

  1. You’re right, spend some time on the email title, it will decide if it’s even opened or not.

    keep it short and sweet, people don’t spend a lot of time reading emails, you should be aiming to link them to something.

    intrigue your customer, use great imagery, and again keep word count low.

    You should be able to concisely answer why you’re sending the email and how you are helping your customer- is it really helpful?

    Respect your customers time, and never try to trick them. Be honest and upfront about everything.

    Decide on your tone of voice, I’ve posted about this on my IG;


    hope that helps!


    IG: @bloodylovelybranding.co 

  2. Wally Ollins writes in his book the brand handbook;

    “A brand is simply an organisation, or a product, or service with a personality.”

    Any great personality is based upon having a solid understanding of yourself. It’s no different for a brand.

    Much like us, a brands personality is formed by defining why it exists, what tribe it belongs to and what it believes in; purpose, customer and values. 

    We carry out brand strategy to discover and define these questions first, as they will act as our cornerstones for design decisions made going forwards.

    But it’s not enough to just know who we are, as environment also sculpts personality. We need to know our customers problems and what other brands are trying to solve them. 

    Where we sit amongst the competition and where we want to be. Thorough market research ensures that the personality we are defining is unique, will achieve the goals of the business and most importantly, will make our customers lives easier.

    If you’re serious about building a brand, you should be able to answer the questions I’ve talked about. If you can’t, and you’re investing in your brand currently, take a step back and think about the foundations that you are trying to build on. You might save yourself a lot of time in the long run.

    Bloody Lovely Branding Co.

    IG: @bloodylovelybrandingco

    Branding explained:


    Audio clip:

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