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Posts posted by FinalApproach

  1. Curious what everyone's take is on whether to use a single blog, or multiple blogs on the same website, and pros and cons of each strategy.

    Is one better than the other, and what reasons did you decide to choose one over the other?

    To add some context, I'm building a website that will focus primarily on articles as my content. All articles will cater to anyone interested in the website's topic.  However, I'd like to group the articles by skill level (beginners who need a "101" crash course on the topic vs. those who are more advanced with the topic).

    I'm leaning toward the Multiple Blog format to achieve this division, but as mentioned above, all articles cater to anyone, so there's some overlap.  I worry that with setting up multiple blogs, I'll have a harder time referencing pertinent posts from "the other blog"

    Single Blog

    • Pros: Can strategically use categories and tags as a way of filtering the public-facing summary blocks, or creating direct links to see all posts with a specific category.
    • Cons: Hard to keep organized on the backend once you have dozens of posts since Squarespace's blog view is not that robust.  Also, all posts will share the same URL slug

    Multiple Blogs

    • Pros: Ability to assign a different URL slugs, replacing categories and tags as an organizational tool.
    • Cons: Can't combine multiple blogs on a single summary block
  2. 1 hour ago, creedon said:

    The first issue is attribute values need to be enclosed in quotes.

    <p id="closest"></p>

    After you do that what happens?

    Interesting - I've never actually used quotes before in my anchor IDs and they've worked flawlessly.  But good to know that it can make my HMTL code "cleaner" and less prone to errors.  I'll definitely use those from here on.

    Anyway, I just tried entering the p id of "closest" with quotes on one of my blog templates, but same result.

    Notice how the image block in the 1st image, and the summary block in the 2nd image go blank.  And then as mentioned in my original post, it's like it permanently corrupts the post.  Clicking edit does nothing, and navigating away from the page results in the error message.





  3. Hi All,

    I'm a huge fan of adding "jump lists" with paragraph anchor IDs to long blog posts.  Last night, I ran into an error where every time I hit save after adding my anchor IDs, it would corrupt the blog post:

    • Images would disappear
    • Summary blocks and newsletter blocks would go blank
    • Clicking the "Edit" button would not enter the blog edit mode. 
    • Browsing away from the blog post would trigger the "Something went wrong. There was an unexpected error and it has been logged." page.

    The only way out was to delete the post and start from scratch.

    After an hour or so of troubleshooting, I narrowed it down to an HTML code block of: <p id=closest></p>

    Apparently, naming an Anchor ID "closest" is what caused the corruption. When I named it something else, no more issue. As I'm not the most experienced in HTML, does anyone have any insights as to why the term "closest" causes an issue with HTML code?  

    I'm on Squarespace 7.1, by the way.


  4. Hey thanks for sending that over - definitely appears to be a layout bug in SS.

    At first try, the code injection solved the issue with the footer.  However, it created another issue where the block of products got left-aligned and placed beneath the product category list, whereas I prefer to have the two side-by-side and not stacked.

    But that second screenshot kind of led me to tinker around with some of those spacing sliders in the site styles.  I was able to get the desired result by:

    • Reducing the Item Spacing under Products: Layout from 100px to 70px
    • Increasing the Spacing under Products: Details from 20px to 40px

    Thanks again for your help!

  5. Site URL: https://thewindowflyer.com/store

    Hi Everyone,

    I have a question - does anyone know how I might be able to add spacers beneath the catalog items on my merchandise page?  It's set up as a Products page (not a typical webpage), and I don't see any option to add a spacer to prevent the color in my footer from overlapping the content.  

    If you browse around to some of the other pages on my site, the footer appears fine.  It's just this one page that's giving me trouble.

    Thanks in advance!


  6. Site URL: https://thewindowflyer.com

    Hello!  I was wondering if anyone else has run into this issue and have the solution to solve it? The site description not showing up properly on Bing, but is working fine on Google.

    I have populated the SEO Site Description as well as adding the same text to my home page's Page Description.  I've had this set up for weeks already, so it should have already been re-indexed by the search engines.  

    I should point out that my home page is set up as an index page (I'm using the Jaunt template), so therefore the home page technically doesn't have any text on it.  As you can seen in the screenshots below, the page description that displays on the Bing search result seems to be automatically pulling the limited amount of text from the "Just Landed" portion of my home page, which is the first module of the index page format.  That module/page pretty much only contains a blog summary block.  Could this be the issue?  Maybe I need to populate the Page Description of that "Just Landed" module with the text I'd like to appear in the search engine result?

    Thanks in advance for your help!

    Bing Search Result

    Google Search Result

    Home Page

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