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    potenzanana reacted to tuanphan in Custom font for the entire shop section   
    You mean Change Product Name on Detail Product?
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    potenzanana reacted to Ziggy in How can i allow my visitors to upload file?   
    This is one solution for adding an upload field to a form in Squarespace:
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    potenzanana reacted to Adam9 in 3 images side by side on mobile view   
    Hi @tuanphan, 

    I have been through this thread and tried various CSS codes without any luck. I want to display a gallery with 3 images per row on Mobile, and was sure this would work:
    /* Mobile gallery */
    @media screen and (max-width:767px) {
    .gallery-grid-wrapper {
        grid-template-columns: repeat(3,1fr) !important;
    But no luck. Here is the page:


    Please can anyone help?
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    potenzanana reacted to LeauxFi in Instagram feed height   
    agreed. doesn't seem like this was ever fixed. The carousel is unusable for me, and though the grid looks better... it doesn't have any controls. I just want to make a carousel that is cleanly spaced like the grid. seems impossible
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    potenzanana reacted to NadineS in Limit the number of related products   
    Same question ish.
    On Desktop:
    How to get 5 items across with smaller images?
    4 recommended items on mobile but have them 2 across and 2 down? In a grid?
  6. Like
    potenzanana reacted to anne_taggart in Limit the number of related products   
    Aha! This is an old thread but I ran into this problem today and solved it to my satisfaction by combining two of the CSS bits provided, so that I get only 3 related items suggested AND they are not overly large. Thus: 
    .ProductItem-relatedProducts .list-grid .grid-item:nth-child(n+4) {
        display: none;
    .ProductItem-relatedProducts .list-grid 
    {grid-template-columns: 200px 200px 200px 200px !important;
    Hope this helps someone! I know I will be making a note of this for future use. ^.^
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    potenzanana reacted to tuanphan in Arrows for drop down menu ( Header )   
    You can also consider using Squarespace Font Icons to do this, add to Design > Custom CSS
    /* dropdown arrow */ a.header-nav-folder-title:after { content: "\e009"; font-family: 'squarespace-ui-font'; position: relative; top: 2px; }
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    potenzanana reacted to hippiebrad in Category Filter for Events not working   
    So yeah, it is simple filtering that I need, but instead of a separate button/link like you mentioned above, I would love to filter the events on the events page instead of a new page if possible. So, when someone clicks the 'Woodshop' category, it stays on the same page and just filters the results on-page. Similar to Youtube, when you click a category on the home page, the url stays youtube.com but filters videos based on the category you select. Is that possible in squarespace without a plugin?
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    potenzanana reacted to Leda_Atomika in Customizing the font in Testimonial Carousel Slider Squarespace 7.1   
    I honestly don't know why they make this linked to the H2 - testimonials and quotes deserve to have their own personality! 🙂
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    potenzanana reacted to sonoferikdesign in Adding text to a fullscreen slideshow on Ver 7.1   
    Dear Squarespace team,
    Full-width sliding images with the ability to place the same or different text and buttons on each image is absolutely a feature we need. I get this request on literally almost every site I build. 
    I believe it is a feature that would get used  millions of times over. I love what you have built and the more I get used to 7.1, I can see it's advantages. Adding this feature would make 7.1 an absolute no-brainer. Please acknowledge our collective desire to have this implemented as soon as possible.
    Thank you for all you do!
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