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  1. Hi Tuan, this is the tool I used: https://www.deadlinkchecker.com/website-dead-link-checker.asp If I use other tools, like https://www.brokenlinkcheck.com/ these links don't come up. So it's really weird, not sure which tool to trust. I also tried the Google Chrome extension "Check my links" and these don't show up either...
  2. Hi all, I have an issue regarding the dead link for the website www.shearose.com. I audited it for dead/broken links and I always get the same 2 dead links. I have no idea where they are/how to retrieve them so that I can fix them, I've been trying everything so far. I've looked at the photos and relinked them, I've looked at the CSS - nothing there...Maybe someone here has an idea? Thanks so much, I appreciate all the help! This is the report I get: Status URL Source link text 400 Bad Request http://static1.squarespace.com/static/6471e57c95e1d439ba98bfb4/6471e5bd95e1d439ba98c39f/6498e3667c3fb96a830da2d6/1697483580069/Shea+Rose_+Rock+'n+Rose+Album+Artwork.jpg?format=1500w link/href 404 Not Found script/src [301 from https://code.nath.co/src/jQuery.min.js]
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