Hi, I am looking to center the text on our charity website below 'Park Lane Stables Shop' have managed to inject code but now lost as to reposition text. Thank you.
if the description has single quotes it then put a backslash before
the single quotes. example: it's becomes it\'s.
const description = 'Every purchase goes directly towards feeding a horse or giving someone facing challenges in life the pleasure of being part of something magical.';
use one of the following paragraph styles. if left empty ( i.e. '' ) then
Heading 3 will be used
Heading 1
Heading 2
Heading 3
Heading 4
Paragraph 1
Paragraph 2
Paragraph 3
let paragraphStyle = 'Paragraph 1';
<!-- do not change anything below, there be the borg here -->
@media screen and ( min-width : 576px ) { /* sidebar */
.tweak-products-nested-category-type-sidebar.tweak-products-category-title .products.collection-content-wrapper .nested-category-title {
margin-bottom : calc( 37px / 2 ); /* default divided */
padding-bottom : 0;
.tweak-products-nested-category-type-sidebar.tweak-products-category-title .products.collection-content-wrapper .nested-category-title::after {
all : unset;
.tweak-products-nested-category-type-sidebar.tweak-products-category-title .products.collection-content-wrapper .twc-nested-category-description {
display : -webkit-box;
display : -ms-flexbox;
display : flex;
-webkit-box-orient : horizontal;
-webkit-box-direction : normal;
-ms-flex-direction : row;
flex-direction : row;
margin-bottom : 37px;
padding-bottom : calc( 54px / 2 ); /* default divided */
position : relative;
.tweak-products-nested-category-type-sidebar.tweak-products-category-title .products.collection-content-wrapper .twc-nested-category-description::after {
border-bottom : 1px solid;
bottom : 0;
content : '';
left : 0;
opacity : 0.2;
position : absolute;
width : 100%;
/* no top rulesets */
$( ( ) => {
if ( twcsl.page.store.detail.is ) return; // bail if detail
const paragraphStyles = {
'Heading 1' : '<h1>',
'Heading 2' : '<h2>',
'Heading 3' : '<h3>',
'Heading 4' : '<h4>',
'Paragraph 1' : '<p class="sqsrte-large">',
'Paragraph 2' : '<p>',
'Paragraph 3' : '<p class="sqsrte-small">',
'Monospace' : '<pre>' +
'<code>' +
'</code>' +
if ( ! paragraphStyle ) paragraphStyle = 'Heading 3';
$( '<div class="twc-nested-category-description">' )
.append ( paragraphStyles [ paragraphStyle ] )
.find ( ':last' )
.text ( description )
.end ( )
.insertAfter ( '.nested-category-title' );
} );