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Hi folks, I hope you are all doing well!
This might not be something that's generally posted here but I thought there are probably some talented people that could point me in the right directions. I'm looking to realize something, (with the help of an expert of course) that I don't really have any knowledge about.
The project is planned for this page:
It is about creating an interactive chart that let's people choose and visualize various color combinations and clothing designs in some kind of interavtice chart.
This is a tailor-shop for traditional Chinese martial arts clothing. We offer a variety of different designs (cuts), fabrics, and options for the trim (multi colored outfits). The customer can browse the shop and choose from a variety of examples. He then adds his preferences, fabric choices and variations. Some products have a pop-up form that shows up when they click on the "add to cart" button. This is used to fill in sadditional information. The customer submits his measurements after placing the order.
You can see that this process is rather difficult and creates lots of friction in the checkout process.
I am not sure if this is something that can be realized but I'm sure you will let me know. 😉
My plan is to create a drawing (probably a vector file?) with simple black lines for each upper garment. This means there will be a shirt with long sleeves, another drawing is the same shirt with long sleeves but different cuffs, then a short sleeve shirt etc. Each design will be a different variation. Sometimes the variation is only slightly different like the amount of buttons. This means there will be a good 20-30 drawings in total.
The next step I am imagining is to link all these pictures to a text link in a chart. In other words, if the customer clicks on "Traditional shirt with long sleeves" the allocated drawing will show up.
Up to this point I believe it's not too bad to realize. However, my next wish is as follows:
I would love a feature that allows the customer to color different sections of the individual drawings. That means the section of a trim detail, for example the cuff, can be colored by simply choosing a color from a normal color palette. The goal is that the customer can visualize the color combination.
Our goal is to make the internal processes easier and get rid of the friction in the checkout process. If we can somehow connect the choices of the customer, may it be a direct link to the shopping cart with allocated variants connected (to adjust the price according to the customers choices) or even simply to submit the choice via email or to download the choices for sending them to us manually, that would be great. We try to get the customer to make a purchase as quickly and easily as possible to remove the friction.
The prices will change depending on the design variations and not the color variations. This means the filled-in color choices would not have to be linked to a different price, only the design option (that's allocated to a different drawing). We do have different prices depending on the fabrics, but I'm open to simplify for the sake of convenience for the customer. The more intuitive this chart can be, the better. The more we can link the customers' choices to different price selections the better. If we can somehow guide the customer directly to the shopping cart after selecting this would be great too.
I understand that this requires a bunch of coding, possibly Javascript, html or even programming. If you think that squarespace is a bit limiting for creating something like this, we'd also have a separate web server that possibly works instead. We could somehow connect them.
If there are any simplified solutions that have a similar effect, reducing friction and making it easier for the customer, I'm open to hear any suggestions. For us it would be very convenient if the customer somehow submits this drawing with his color choices because we'd be able to use it for processing the order with our tailor. So we'd save some time there, too.
I will be able to provide all the drawings made via illustrator or photoshop. Please let me know your thoughts on this project. If you think I can begin creating the drawings (since these will be part of the project no matter what) what file would you make them as? Or am I imagining things too easy?
Again sorry if this in the wrong place. Maybe someone knows someone that's really good at this stuff.
I am looking forward to your reply.