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    ilseS reacted to Mikedownunder in Fluid engine is trash   
    Yup. A shocking change and it was out before I had the slightest idea it was coming or how to use it. It's the kind of idea that I was amazed SS didn't have when I started to build my website. Now they've got it, I don't want it!
  2. Like
    ilseS got a reaction from valerie.cline in how can i shift from Fluid Engine to Classic Editor?   
    Please submit this in its entirety to Squarespace support ...only if enough do might they listen ... 
  3. Like
    ilseS reacted to fmmedina in Adding anchor link button in Squarespace fluid engine   
    I had anchor link buttons using "page-section-SectionID#" as the link but now that I upgraded the 7.1 section to fluid engine that doesn't work. Any suggestions or ideas on how I can make an anchor link button in fluid engine?
  4. Like
    ilseS reacted to FY_TOKYO in Embedding, enlarging and downloading images as PDFs   
    Since it doesn't seem possible to embed PDF files in Squarespace, is it possible to place an image and click on it to enlarge it?
    Or I would like to be able to download the document as a PDF file since it contains a lot of information.
    I referred to the following site, but unfortunately, I could not find where the "Design tab" is located.
    Any good advice would be appreciated.
  5. Like
    ilseS reacted to vjtk in Fluid engine is trash   
    100%. I have 5 websites on SS, been using since version 5 and this is the worst SS has ever treated their customer base. I never even got an email letting me know about fluid engine, let alone asking for my input about new features. Nope! Just roll it out on everyone with no way to revert to the classic editor. I would like to permanently block it from touching my sites. The headaches this has caused me and many others is simply unforgivable. We now have so much more to worry about, and working with this fluid editor is just plain awful. The mobile editor is a joke. I guess now that SS is a publicly traded company they don’t care as much about us. It’s a shame. They arent even on these forums and call it “community”. Its really a board to help us cope with their bad decisions at this point. I have emailed my complaint to them but can guarantee I’ll get a canned response like “we’ll forward your feedback to the right people”…sure, because you’ve proven my feedback is so so important to you. 
    and to add insult to injury they just raised their prices across the board. Unreal. I am angry. 

  6. Like
    ilseS reacted to vjtk in New Fluid Engine section block update   
    100% fully agree with all points. SS is really screwing up. 
  7. Like
    ilseS reacted to Phobic78 in Can't get photos to wrap around text   
    @paul2009 Thanks for the workaround, it has saved me for the time being!
    But it seems crazy that they haven't addressed this before rolling out the update. I really hope they are sorting it as a priority.
  8. Like
    ilseS reacted to ELUCIA in Can't get photos to wrap around text   
    How has it been fixed? what is the solution, please, for wrapping text around an image....in an image block / image card?
  9. Like
    ilseS reacted to kmoran in Can't get photos to wrap around text   
    I'm hoping this is currently being implemented in the new fluid engine as this seems to be broken 'again.'  I tried using the workaround above (thank you!) and can see "Looking for sections built with our classic editor?" hyperlinked at the bottom of the page, but when I click it, it just takes me to the top of the page and there's no way to add a classic section. Maybe someone from Squarespace can reassure me/us this feature is coming back? It seems very basic. Thank you!
  10. Like
    ilseS reacted to KalyFiguresitOut in How to Place Content Blocks and Images in Between Sections in Fluid Engine   
    Hi! So I want to place some images and text blocks in between sections on a page and I'm stuck using fluid engine. I could do it easily in 7.1  by using the following code in the custom css:
    #block-yui-123456789 {margin-top:-50%]
    But the code doesn't work anymore for the blocks in fluid engine. Does anyone know how to solve this? The new editor is giving me a headache. Thanks for your help!
  11. Like
    ilseS reacted to bekandco in 7.1 Duplicating or Saving Sections   
    Does anyone know if this is a functionality in the new Fluid Engine? Or if there are plans for it to be developed? 
    We're re-designing some sections on a large website and it's going to be so time consuming replicating the new design/format on each page. Being able to save a section and add/edit on another page would be extremely useful.
  12. Like
    ilseS reacted to FabiSantiago in New Fluid Engine section block update   
    What about non-circle members?
    I'm scared of accidentally clicking on that upgrade button. Srsly, I tried FE on a test website and it's a half-baked attempt at a website builder. It looks like Wix, lmao, and it's glitchy as hell.
  13. Like
    ilseS got a reaction from FabiSantiago in New Fluid Engine section block update   
    Not wrong 🤯
  14. Like
    ilseS reacted to MarcWatson in New Fluid Engine section block update   
    I've been working and using SQSP as a designer since 2008 when it was version 5. I am in agreement with everyone here that this version is not ready for prime time. I thought I would immediately convert a project I was working on for a new client, into fluid engine page layouts. OMG! This is so not fun to work with and has literally made me noxious trying to figure out how to work with it. It's mind blowing that SQSP released this and even more that there's a whole army of people trying to make it seem like everything is totally cool and awesome! Not cool and definitely lightyears from awesome. 
  15. Like
    ilseS got a reaction from MarcWatson in New Fluid Engine section block update   
    @Sydbat it’s unlikely the people who need to will see it here. A formal ticket/complaint needs to be logged …they are taking notice of these.
  16. Like
    ilseS reacted to RBug in New Fluid Engine section block update   
    The new editor is such a headache!!

    ... before my pages automatically looked good when I resized, now, text overlaps where they're not supposed to, the padding between elements is all out of whack. Overall it just ends up looking so much less professional.
    Before I didn't really have to worry too much about editing my pages in the mobile view, now I absolutely have to preview in both desktop and mobile before publishing a page. Something that looks great on desktop will look totally different in the mobile view, and not just a little different. No, it's like elements all slammed together overlapping at the bottom of the page bad.
    Plus - it's super frustrating trying to centre text in an element when it doesn't align with the grid, or when I'm in the middle of editing a section and elements in the section resize or move on me in weird ways. Takes me twice as long building a section out as it used to with the classic editor, and then it still doesn't look good.
    I don't understand what advantages this system has other than creating collage-styled sections?
  17. Like
    ilseS reacted to DJGG in Fluid Engine Button problems on tablet sizing   
    Site URL: https://blackrockortho.com/home-v2
    I'm having some weird issues with buttons in Fluid Engine on a new site I'm working on. When scaled down to a tablet size, the button in the hero image gets offset and goes partially off the screen.
    I also have a button getting cut in half for no apparent reason in the footer?
    Has anyone else been having issues with Fluid Engine buttons and/or have a solution? Thanks!

  18. Like
    ilseS reacted to CFlo in Reduce Font Size Testimonial Slider in Fluid Engine for Mobile   
    Site URL: https://trombone-tiger-zfb6.squarespace.com/
    I'm looking to adjust the size of the font for the testimonial slider section in the new Fluid Engine Builder, for mobile optimization. The font is massive right now.
    Any help would be appreciated, 
    PW: Jellybeans1234
  19. Like
    ilseS reacted to Sydbat in New Fluid Engine section block update   
    I'm mostly just posting this so SS receives as much feedback as possible about how much this update sucks. I have never worked with something so buggy and temperamental before. Every time I make a change, I come back and it looks different. And trying to get the mobile site to look halfway decent takes way too much effort. 
    I've created some pages using FE that I wouldn't have been able to make using the old editor, but now I'm afraid if I switch back to the classic it'll be even more of a headache. Has anyone done this successfully? 
  20. Like
    ilseS reacted to Studioplaceofficial in New Fluid Engine section block update   
    Exactly!! 🤯🤯🤯🤯.  Summed it up perfectly. SS main attractiveness is that it was simple for just about anyone. It was perfect for a lot of people. This new change has caused me not to even want to open square space anymore and ask for a refund. Committed users like me for years, don’t have time to deal w this crazy type of change. We are busy running out business and this wasn’t fair. Help. SOS please. Thank you’ 
  21. Like
    ilseS reacted to lexlaine91 in New Fluid Engine section block update   
    Oh my lanta, I'm close to loosing my mind with Fluid Engine. I can't even get the options to make images and text bigger with the resizing - is there something I'm doing with my Browser?? This is the 5th square space site I've built and I spent more time trying to resize an image today than I did the last site I built...
  22. Like
    ilseS reacted to jacquie in how can i shift from Fluid Engine to Classic Editor?   
    Here is the answer! I asked SQUARESPACE HELP and they got back to ASAP. 
    "To disable Fluid Engine on your site, visit the Settings > Circle Labs panel, check Disable Fluid Engine, then click Save."
  23. Like
    ilseS reacted to tuanphan in Turn Off Site-Wide Animations On One Block With Squarespace Fluid Engine   
    Try this CSS
    #enter-block-id * { transform: unset !important; opacity: 1 !important; transition-delay: unset !important; transition: unset !important; } Use this tool to find block id. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/squarespace-id-finder/igjamfnifnkmecjidfbdipieoaeghcff?hl=en
  24. Like
    ilseS got a reaction from glowstudiosinc in how can i shift from Fluid Engine to Classic Editor?   
    THIS 👆 please please make Fluid Engine optional!! A toggle on/off …there are many features which have the *potential* to be great, but for so many reasons we are begging to give us the option to continue to work on 7.1 as it is. 
  25. Like
    ilseS reacted to rjcook1985 in Trying to get a customized gallery layout in 7.1   
    Hey all - looked high and low all over Google and couldn't find anything quite like what I'm hoping for. I'm trying to design a portfolio site with a custom image gallery.
    Ideally, I'd like something like this (2 normal sized thumbnails next to each other, banner style long one below them) - https://www.elisha-edits.com/
    But here's what I currently have - https://www.richardjamescook.com/film-and-video-work-new-classic
    You can see I've *kind of* achieved it with CSS, but my sections are separate, which isn't ideal for mobile resizing (leaves huge gaps between). I also want my image blocks to crop responsively like the first site I posted.
    I'm unable to find anything to code this into the same section. Can anyone help?
    *note: I know fluid engine can achieve this layout, but I'm not ready to switch to it since it's still in its infancy, is missing other features I use, and quite buggy atm*
    Edit: Kinda got what I wanted by stacking image blocks in a certain order of duplicate/drag - but now dealing with a padding issue between the top image block and the one below it. Have CSS overriding padding (check my homepage), but it appears to make no difference when it's not a single image block on top of another one.
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