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Collapsible Text - Read More Button Problem

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Site URL: https://www.waterdragonarts.com/online-courses/yijin-jing-extensive-program

Hello there,

I am having a little problem which I hope is easy to solve. I want to have a text with a "read more button" at the bottom. I found this post and entered the CSS and code exactly how it was described.

And it works almost great! (The only downside is that when you click "read less" it goes to the footer and not back up to the beginning of the text) This is not my problem though. Here is the deal:

The text that I want to appear is very long and I need to brake the lines in multiple spots to make it nicer to read. However, I don't know how to do that. It always goes back to one space. I have tried using </p> to brake the line. and yes, it works, but than the button doesnt work anymore and the entire text stays visible (it doesn't collapse). Any idea how to fix this?

Here is the CSS:

.read-more-state {
 display: none;

.read-more-target {
 opacity: 0;
 max-height: 0;
 font-size: 0;

.read-more-state:checked ~ .read-more-wrap .read-more-target {
 opacity: 1;
 font-size: inherit;
 max-height: 999em;

.read-more-state ~ .read-more-trigger:before {
 content: 'Read More';

.read-more-state:checked ~ .read-more-trigger:before {
 content: 'Read Less';

.read-more-trigger {
 cursor: pointer;
 display: inline-block;
 padding: 0 .5em;
 color: #666;
 font-size: .9em;
 line-height: 2;
 border: 1px solid #ddd;
 border-radius: .25em;
.read-more-trigger:hover {


And here is the code: (Still with the </p>)

<div class="show-hide">
  <input type="checkbox" class="read-more-state" id="visible" />
  <div class="read-more-wrap">
    <p>The Daojia and Xiongshi Yijin Jing are my personal favourite Qigong practices. I have researched the Yijin Jing extensively within my own body, guided by my Taoist master Wang Gang and master Qu Hai. Through many years of practice and correct guidance I was able to experience the effects of the Yijin Jing not only externally, but also the many subtle changes that happen internally. After an additional 2 years of training Taiji and Qigong in a full-time setting in China, I feel ready to humbly pass on this technique and guide you through this journey. When you develop this practice to a high level, the Yijin Jing can transform even the smallest framed individual into a healthy and strong person capable of incredible feats of strength and willpower.</p>
    <p class="read-more-target">As you will find out soon, there are different layers (sets of cues) to this practice and it is important to be patient and stick to the correct order. The Daojia Yijin Jing is particularly good for beginners because you’re basically starting out by setting the correct foundation for any type of Qigong. - Relaxation and the awareness of Qi. Only if you are able to fully relax in each position you will gain the benefits of this practice. The Xiongshi method of the “Muscle and Tendon Changing Qigong” is specifically designed for martial arts. Both classics are following the principle of Zhan Zhuang Gong. (Standing Pole Exercises)

This program is the result of roughly 2 years of work, study and specific training. I have constantly come across new questions and traveled to China to find answers and study under authentic mentor-ship. I may assume that you too, will have questions. That’s why I offer my guidance and encourage all my students to stay in touch with me. I am always happy to help. The practice of Qigong is vast and requires us to frequently check in with ourselves and assess  our experiences. It is a practice for a lifetime, especially considering the internal development and self-cultivation. In fact, there is not such a thing as a “finish line” or a final goal to achieve. The practice is to further ones skill in many aspects e.g. health or martial arts, sensitivity to Qi, for self-cultivation and awareness, as well as harmony with what is and what will be. Throughout that journey we will observe the transformation and welcome the beneficial change in our body, mind and spirit.

What is the Yijin Jing?

According to a legend the Yijin Jing was left behind by Damo (Bodhidarama) in the cave in which he meditated and developed it for multiple years. Legend says that when Damo found refuge in the Shaolin temple and realized that the monks had been neglecting their physical body in their cultivation practice, he decided to retreat there to find a solution for cultivating body, mind and spirit simultaneously. It is said that the Shaolin monks achieved their great skills due to achieving this manuscript but also lost the correct purpose of cultivating the Way. (Dao)
The true strength of the body is expressed through the tendons, rather than the muscles. Tendons don't just require much less maintenance and caloric fuel than building muscles, they also hold up their strength long term. The practice of strengthening the tendons allows the joints to open, grow stronger and store more energy. These exercises are great not only to strengthen the muscles/tendons and nourish the entire body but also to become more sensitive to the sensation of Qi.
The Daojia Yijin Jing, which we will begin this course with, is attributed to a Taoist Master called Zhang Boduan. It is noticeably different from the famous Shaolin Yijin Jing. The Shaolin version is commonly practiced in a very soft and dynamic way, loosening muscles and moving energy through the body. Most of the time you only stay for a short moment and for very few repetitions in the ranges in which your tendons are most actively used. The version we practice here is from the Taoist school and involves staying in these ranges for longer periods of time. This is the very effective principle of Zhan Zhuang Gong (Standing Pole Exercises). 
The Xiongshi Yijin Jing, which we practice after the Taoist method, is attributed to the Xiong family.  You will be accumulating Qi in different areas of your body through moving in ranges in which your tendons are most actively used. Throughout practice we will constantly change from tension to relaxation, from soft to hard and from yin to yang. This has a stronger effect on the tendons. This method was specifically designed for martial arts and is very effective due to more demanding postures.
The purpose of the Yijin Jing is to transform weak sinews and tendons to strong ones. Movements are gentle but the execution requires holding limbs out for long periods of times which can be quite vigorous. In coordination with your breath, you will unify your will and strength to perform these exercises and build an awareness of your energetic body through relaxation. The various postures influence the static nervous system and structure of your body. Through stretching muscles and tendons you nourish your organs, joints, bones and cultivate Qi, as well as gaining flexibility. Besides the obvious affects like an improved sense of balance, better stature and body coordination, you will use the breath to refine and increase your Qi. Unlike the exercises done at the gym which focus on developing muscles or cardio, the Yijin Jing focuses on infusing soft tissue, including the ligaments, tendons, fascia, and even the bone marrow with this refined Qi.</p>
  <label for="visible" class="read-more-trigger"></label>

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