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    LucasGordon reacted to WLauren in Text blocks are changing size repeatedly   
    The text blocks on my site keep making themselves larger. In the attached photo, the khaki color is one section, the black is a different section. I sized the text box down, made the section smaller, and saved it five minutes ago. It's now showing that giant empty space again. It's an even bigger gap in the second screenshot. It's doing this on multiple pages. I keep fixing this issue over and over – I feel like I must be missing something simple.
    I'm using the provided blocks and not changing anything with the code in any way. Can anyone tell me what I'm missing?

  2. Like
    LucasGordon reacted to itsasunnyday1 in Text blocks are changing size repeatedly   
    I'm posting this in a few places in hopes it might help someone:
    I think I actually figured out a solution. I was having a TON of spacing issues on a website I was working on. When I'm in the Squarespace editor, it looks perfect, and then I publish and there's weird spacing issues everywhere after text. Went to the forums to try to figure out why, but was disheartened to see so many people having the same issues.
    My browser has been forever Google Chrome, but on a whim, I decided to try to edit my website using Firefox. And you guys... it fixed my spacing issues. When I opened up the editor in Firefox, it even showed where there were the weird spacing issues (that wasn't there in the editor opened up in Chrome). I fixed it up, and I repeatedly checked the published version in Chrome. Somehow it was magically fixed.
    Hopefully this helps people out there. Have no idea if this was just a solution for me, but I think it's a Squarespace + Chrome issue.  (Fix this, Squarespace!!!) If this solves it for anyone else, let me know.
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    LucasGordon reacted to Rustynz in Text blocks are changing size repeatedly   
    Same issue, literally the worst. Can confirm nothing works.
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    LucasGordon reacted to jc0022 in Text blocks are changing size repeatedly   
    I am experiencing this problem as well. This is a major disaster. I'll properly format for mobile, and the same blocks are way too big on desktop. When I get them right on a 1920x1080 screen, I resize to a medium size window and everything is severely broken again: way oversized.
    This has been very embarrassing for me. I would be able to deliver a site much more efficiently abandoning squarespace for hand-coding at this point. SquareSpace, do you have any response to the issues raised in this thread? I need to know if I need to abandon the platform, because this is a total deal-breaker.
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    LucasGordon reacted to MoeTalks in Text blocks are changing size repeatedly   
    I tried that earlier today and thankfully I have a wide screen monitor.  When I stretch out chrome to make edits and add blocks, it doesnt seem to move the other blocks but sure enough when I try and size it like a regular user would, every thing moves and I have to resize the whole page.  When I work on my macbook air I find that if I zoom out, that also works too.  I don't know why this is the case buts it's frustrating me to the max.  
  6. Like
    LucasGordon reacted to CRain in Text blocks are changing size repeatedly   
    Having the same issue. Will make the text box small, delete rows, then come back later and the text box has expanded again. Looks very unprofessional. Also happening when looking on larger screens. Mobile seems fine.
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    LucasGordon reacted to GTavel in Text blocks are changing size repeatedly   
    Same exact problem here.
    Are there any solutions yet?
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    LucasGordon reacted to emkap in Text blocks are changing size repeatedly   
    Following! Interested to see if Squarespace is addressing this bug before I spend a lot of time trying to optimize my site for various screen widths!
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    LucasGordon reacted to RMSB in Text blocks are changing size repeatedly   
    I am having the same issue - my best guess has been it is somehow related to the page width when I am editing.  Have tried adjusting page width max and site margins, but that doesn't seem to impact it.  I have my content broken into very small sections now, which is helping constrain the ripple effect of the text boxes changing sizes constantly, but still a perplexing problem.  
    Would love to hear if anyone has figured this one out!
  10. Like
    LucasGordon reacted to uribookman in Text blocks are changing size repeatedly   
    Same here on 3 different websites. Frustrating bug!
  11. Like
    LucasGordon reacted to iPhoneIntact in Text blocks are changing size repeatedly   
    My experience over the last several months of updating and editing my site has been that small changes in one area will for some unknown reason lead to multiple blocks in other areas getting longer - essentially doubling in length, requiring the tedious 'reforming' of sections of blocks. 
    For example I can take a section of invisible (to the end user) code out of an embed, and then later discover adjacent text blocks have resized themselves, pushing or overlapping other blocks, and ruined the format/readability of the section. This can happen on any page, seemingly at any time. Can't figure out why exactly, because doesn't happen every time, but enough for me to have to google it and come here about it. Like Tankgurl said, very frustrating.
  12. Like
    LucasGordon reacted to pace in Banner Slideshow, with Title on Card - Changing size to suite desktop and Mobile   
    Hi all, 
    So i'm trying to create a banner slideshow that has a card with a title on it.
    I want the entire image to be clickable so it goes to the gallery where the image is from.

    My struggle right now is that, when I edit the card, it looks dreadful on a mobile device, so i'm trying to set this up to work on both desktop and mobile. Any help gratefully appreciated.

    I want the banner slideshow to auto change, but the viewer can click on any of the images and be taken directly to the project where the image belongs. How can i change the size and position of the card, depending on which device is being used?
  13. Like
    LucasGordon reacted to Spence500 in Make images clickable in the carousel   
    Hi there, I'm curious as to how I would go about creating clickthrough URL's on the individual cards I created in Figma. I'm utilizing an image content section that is designed as a carousel and I uploaded hard designed/flattened "cards" as images in the carousel. I want to make each card it's own clickthrough link to that companies website. I have the option of creating buttons as clickthrough's that live beneath the cards, but I want the clickthrough to live directly on the individual card/image components themselves. Anyone have an idea on how to do this?  (I'm proficient in coding so feel free to drop some ideas when it comes to DOM manipulation).

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