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  1. PoochKingdom's post in Open Accordion Block Using ID In Link was marked as the answer   
    Below is the optimized code. I decided to take a look at what I wrote and tested a couple of scenarios.
    The accordion id syntax used by Squarespace for my pages is "button-block-yui-<some id>-0" for the first item, "button-block-yui-<some id>-1" for the second, etc.
    If you want to create a link to open a specific accordion item, you'll use:
    https://yoursite.com/page#<button-block-yui-dropdownNumber>, where the value of dropdownNumber is 0, 1, 2, 3, ..., depending on which item in the list you want to open.
    Here's the optimized code:
    <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.7.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ <!-- Save the window location hash passed to this page --> var loc = window.location.hash; <!-- If a hash exists, and there's a matching element in the page --> if (loc.length && $(loc).length){ <!-- Execute the click event on the matching element --> $(loc).click(); } }); </script>
  2. PoochKingdom's post in Microsoft Bing Webmaster Error/Warning Resolution was marked as the answer   
    Support said they opened a case for this. Given we're not privy to any bug tracking numbers to correlate our cases to actual fixes, I don't even believe a case was even opened. It seems the standard response is along the lines of "we notified engineering, but we can't tell you if/when it will be fixed."
    I won't be opening any more support cases, and I will move off Squarespace when our subscription comes up for renewal. I think it's a waste of time trying to help.
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