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    majiso-lisa99 reacted to DavidStewart in Floating sidebar socials and back to top   
    Can you share the website url that you are currently working on?
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    majiso-lisa99 reacted to DavidStewart in How to position divider on top of sections   
    I checked that you already managed to fix the issue. But if not, then I suggest you to add css padding instead of using the divider block. Let me know if you need any help.
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    majiso-lisa99 reacted to DavidStewart in BLOG POSTS EXTERNAL LINKS HOW TO DO ANCHOR HREF= <a>   
    Hi Jane, Please check the squarespace anchor text guideline here : https://support.squarespace.com/hc/en-us/articles/207135178-Creating-anchor-links it has all the answers. Thanks. 
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    majiso-lisa99 reacted to DavidStewart in Can you place a form inside of an Accordion Block?   
    Yes, it is possible. but it requires custom code. 
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    majiso-lisa99 reacted to Sam0smith in Need different Custom Social Icon on Web vs. Mobile Navigation   
    Please add this code : 
    .social-accounts .header-menu-actions-action.mobile:nth-child(4) {
        background-image: url(https://static1.squarespace.com/static/65d7f5ef44cb2a472910d11d/t/65f1f43c5f09575737bef5e9/1710355516228/Google+Favicon+White.png) !important;

    It will fix your issue on mobile device. 
  6. Thanks
    majiso-lisa99 reacted to Sam0smith in Removing underline from top navigation dropdown   

    You can use this code to Website > Website Tools > Custom CSS

    .header-nav-item.header-nav-item--folder.header-nav-item--active a {
        border-bottom: 4px solid #f6bc4b !important;
    .header-nav-item.header-nav-item--folder .header-nav-folder-content a {
        border: none !important;

    It will fix the hover underline issue. 
  7. Like
    majiso-lisa99 reacted to tuanphan in How to customise mobile view summary block for blog excerpt only (keep other summary blocks the same)   
    Your site is private, we can't access it. You can follow this to share url correct way.
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    majiso-lisa99 reacted to Sam0smith in Rotating announcement bar   
    Hi Nik, I hope this video helps : 
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    majiso-lisa99 reacted to Shadmon in How to create vertical timeline in Squarespace   
    Hey @GlynMusica I wanted to share that I’ve developed a Squarespace timeline plugin that might be of interest to you. Works on both versions (7.0 and 7.1)
    The plugin is built with the Squarespace editor, so there’s no need for custom code. It’s user-friendly and designed to integrate seamlessly with your Squarespace site.
    You can find the plugin here:

    Vertical Timeline
    https://squarestash.com/product/timeline-01/ and

    Alternative Vertical Timeline
    I hope this plugin can be a valuable resource for those looking to add a timeline to their Squarespace site. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need further assistance.

    Screenshot of Vertical Timeline:

    Screenshot of Alternative Vertical Timeline:

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    majiso-lisa99 reacted to Shadmon in Keep user on same page when pressing action button in promo pop up   
    @popofglitter Please use this default URL for users to stay on the same page.
    /inquire Let me know if it works for you!
  12. Like
    majiso-lisa99 reacted to tuanphan in Style the active link underline in header   
    Add to Design > Custom CSS
    body:not(.header--menu-open) .header-nav-item--active>a { background-position: 0 calc(~"100% + 1px") !important; }  
  13. Thanks
    majiso-lisa99 reacted to Parker_SQSP in Sample code for integrating Google's consent mode with Google Ads   
    If you’re using Google Ads on your site, and targeting users in the EEA, you might have received an email from Google suggesting that you implement their consent mode feature.
    Here is some example code, that I’ve added to my website to integrate consent mode. This enables me to collect a consent choice from my visitor via the website cookie banner, and then send that consent choice to Google.
    Before you begin:
    First, you need to enable the website cookie banner, and ensure you’ve selected the “Opt In & Out” banner type. 
    Next, you would go to Website > Website Tools > Code Injection. You could add the following code to your header code injection (removing any existing Google Ads code first):
    <script async src="https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtag/js?id=AW-{AW-ID}"></script> <script>  window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];  function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}  gtag('consent', 'default', {   'ad_storage': 'denied',   'ad_user_data': 'denied',   'ad_personalization': 'denied'  });  gtag('js', new Date());  gtag('config', 'AW-{AW-ID}');  let squarespaceCookies = {};  if (window.getSquarespaceCookies) {    squarespaceCookies = window.getSquarespaceCookies();  }  const consentValue = squarespaceCookies.marketing === 'accepted' ? 'granted' :  'denied';  const consentObj = {    'ad_storage': consentValue,   'ad_user_data': consentValue,   'ad_personalization': consentValue  };  gtag('consent', 'update', consentObj);    window.onCookieBannerInteraction = () => {    let squarespaceCookies = {};    if (window.getSquarespaceCookies) {      squarespaceCookies = window.getSquarespaceCookies();    }    const consentValue = squarespaceCookies.marketing === 'accepted' ? 'granted' :  'denied';   const consentObj = {       'ad_storage': consentValue,      'ad_user_data': consentValue,      'ad_personalization': consentValue    };    gtag('consent', 'update', consentObj);  } </script> Consent mode is a service provided by Google, so for any questions, verification, or testing support, you can reach out to their support team.
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