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    MoeTalks reacted to Rustynz in How do we fix this constant spacing issues with SS 7.1   
    From what I can tell/learn, there's NO solution to this major issue. It's like paying for new car and then immediately having engines issues that can't be solved.
  2. Like
    MoeTalks reacted to Mumbles in Editing in Markdown on Squarespace: Cursor Always Moves from editing spot   
    I have the same issue and it makes the markdown editor essentially unusable. Every 10 or so characters I type the cursor jumps back to the beginning. It is baffling that this hasn't been fixed
  3. Like
    MoeTalks got a reaction from Beyondspace in Changing a video blog post date is not changing the order on the page   
    I published a video on a blog post today and changed the date to April 14, 2023 but it is still showing up as the first post.  Do I have to manually go through all of these and re-arrange them?  Thanks
    PW 1695
  4. Like
    MoeTalks got a reaction from Beyondspace in Video player flashing black on page load   
    Here is what I did Tuanphan and something I am noticing with Squarespace.  Sections can get corrupt.  I ended up deleting the section completely, then creating a new section, adding the video back to the new section and I have no problems whatsoever now.  
  5. Like
    MoeTalks got a reaction from Beyondspace in Video player flashing black on page load   
    @tuanphan.  Now I'm having the same issue on the home page.  Not sure what is going on.  I removed all CSS but that was not it.  Just like @jasonconway  see a black screen flash before the video plays on 7.1.  I've used your codes unfortunately those are not working.
    pw 2024.
  6. Like
    MoeTalks got a reaction from Beyondspace in Video player flashing black on page load   
    Hi @tuanphan.  Thanks for that but because I have a  full bleed video in that section, making it white completely covers the video.  However, I replaced #fff with transparent and right now that seems to be working.
  7. Like
    MoeTalks reacted to Ziggy in How do we fix this constant spacing issues with SS 7.1   
    Does your 24" monitor have an effective resolution that means that the page content is constrained by the screen? 
    Normally you want to make sure that for text blocks you are editing their size on a screen where you can see the full width of the page contents, that way you don't run into the problem of the contents getting wider and the text wrapping fewer times in a paragraph and hence leaving space at the top and/or bottom.
  8. Like
    MoeTalks reacted to Rustynz in Spacing messed up in Squarespace 7.1   
    Also having the same issues… literally cannot stand it.
  9. Like
    MoeTalks reacted to itsasunnyday1 in Text blocks are changing size repeatedly   
    I'm posting this in a few places in hopes it might help someone:
    I think I actually figured out a solution. I was having a TON of spacing issues on a website I was working on. When I'm in the Squarespace editor, it looks perfect, and then I publish and there's weird spacing issues everywhere after text. Went to the forums to try to figure out why, but was disheartened to see so many people having the same issues.
    My browser has been forever Google Chrome, but on a whim, I decided to try to edit my website using Firefox. And you guys... it fixed my spacing issues. When I opened up the editor in Firefox, it even showed where there were the weird spacing issues (that wasn't there in the editor opened up in Chrome). I fixed it up, and I repeatedly checked the published version in Chrome. Somehow it was magically fixed.
    Hopefully this helps people out there. Have no idea if this was just a solution for me, but I think it's a Squarespace + Chrome issue.  (Fix this, Squarespace!!!) If this solves it for anyone else, let me know.
  10. Thanks
    MoeTalks got a reaction from creedon in Can someone recommend a reputable plug-in site for a floating back to top button that will work on portfolio page   
    I appreciate your thought process on this and I agree about Page header code and that is exactly where I would do it if the individual portfolio sections had a page code injection but thank you for the "as long as it works".  Have a great Sunday afternoon.
  11. Like
    MoeTalks reacted to creedon in Can someone recommend a reputable plug-in site for a floating back to top button that will work on portfolio page   
    Given you don't want the effect site-wide you'll need to check with Will to see if he has any recommendations. I don't know his code.
    For per page effects I prefer to put the code in Page Settings > Advanced > Page Header Code Injection for the page. The only right way to install code is the way that makes the code work. In other words however you want to do it as long as it works.
  12. Like
    MoeTalks reacted to creedon in Can someone recommend a reputable plug-in site for a floating back to top button that will work on portfolio page   
    Did you put the CSS code in Website > Pages > Website Tools > Custom CSS or Page Settings > Advanced > Page Header Code Injection for the page. If the later then that won't work site wide.
  13. Like
  14. Like
    MoeTalks got a reaction from tuanphan in Video player flashing black on page load   
    Hi @tuanphan.  Thanks for that but because I have a  full bleed video in that section, making it white completely covers the video.  However, I replaced #fff with transparent and right now that seems to be working.
  15. Like
    MoeTalks got a reaction from Ziggy in Can't stop opacity animation at 50%   
    Good Morning @Ziggy.  Thank you for that.  It did not work until I modified it by adding .sqs-shape to it since the colors are shapes.  Once I did that your original CSS worked perfectly, but with one caveat and maybe you have some insight on this.  On yours at 10s, the 50% color just popped in at 0.5.  I could clearly see that it was fading in but at that last keyframe, bam, 0.5.  I've tried the below thinking that every 1s would increase the fade in by 20% so that the last keyframe wouldn't have that visible contrast.  Is there a way to better fade that in or is this the best under the circumstances.  20% could very well make a difference in the fade so not a big deal if it is the best for right now.  And thanks again for pointing me in the right direction. 
    #block-9d6cf7bb31c4ae46e470 .sqs-shape, #block-42eab21575a620f1535a .sqs-shape {
      animation: fade-me-in 6s;
    @keyframes fade-me-in {
      0% {opacity:0;}
      20% {opacity:0.1;}
      40% {opacity:0.2;}
      60% {opacity:0.3;}
      80% {opacity:0.4;}
      100% {opacity:0.5;}
  16. Like
    MoeTalks got a reaction from tuanphan in Is there a way to make an image inside a markup a lightbox so that it opens but also closes with the x at the top right   
    It's the same but I did a work around because I hate markups.  I just put the image in it's own section instead of trying to wrap the text around it and called it a day.  
    PW 2024.
  17. Like
    MoeTalks reacted to tuanphan in How do I get gallery captions to center?   
    Add to Design > Custom CSS
    /* center gallery caption */ p.gallery-caption-content { text-align: center; }  
  18. Like
    MoeTalks reacted to Terry-Schilling in How do I get gallery captions to center?   
    It worked!! Thank you tuahphan.
    If you wan to verify it yourself: https://www.caseysday.com/gallery
  19. Like
    MoeTalks got a reaction from Beyondspace in [FreeShare] 7.1 Gallery Block Workaround   
    I ended up revamping the my entire site.  I stripped it to nothing and started all over gain with different template and layout.  I apologize for the late response but SS frustrates me so much sometimes that I have to walk a way for a day to two before I go back to it.
  20. Like
    MoeTalks got a reaction from Beyondspace in [FreeShare] 7.1 Gallery Block Workaround   
    @Beyondspace  I decided to try this again now that I was on a business plan.  It didn't work at first but once I took out the code on the page and just left only the footer injection, it worked like a charm.  Thank you.
  21. Like
    MoeTalks reacted to tuanphan in Sound Effects on Hover/Click   
    You can add Image Block + Audio Block, then share link to page where you added it, we can give script code to achieve this
  22. Like
    MoeTalks reacted to kaydotjpg in Sound Effects on Hover/Click   
    @Member this is exactly what I meant! So thank you so much. For the code you provided - could you tell me exactly where to paste it? 
  23. Like
    MoeTalks reacted to Mowgli in Play Audio when hover over text   
    Site URL: https://www.rheinproduktiv.de/whatwedo
    Hey guys, 
    I'm looking for a solution to play individual sound clips (2-3sec) when hover over text/words.
    Is there any possibility to realize it in Squarespace?
    Thanks so much and take care
  24. Like
    MoeTalks got a reaction from tuanphan in Can you make lightbox over size smaller   
    I think this may have fixed it.  I targed the specific section and change the heading from h3 to p and it got smaller.  You can check though.  Still open.
    .design-layout-inline .image-caption-wrapper {
        padding: 0px!important;
      padding-left: 5px!important;
    .design-layout-inline .image-caption-wrapper p {
        margin-top: 1px;
        margin-bottom: 1px;
  25. Thanks
    MoeTalks got a reaction from creedon in remove site footer from individual blog post   
    I probably didn't explain it right. 😂. No worries.  And thanks again.
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