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    WebShark got a reaction from jjohansson in Vertical navigation to the left   
    Thank you to your both! I tried with Rebecca Grace's code and it almost worked! However it made the whole header go vertical and not just the navigation. The navigation should also be left-aligned. Do you know what to change in the code?

    @media only screen and (min-width: 991px) {
      .page-section:first-of-type {
        padding-top: 0px !important;
      .page-section {
        margin-right: 100px;
      #header {
        width: 100px;
        position: fixed;
        height: 100vh;
        z-index: 99999 !important;
        display: table;
        writing-mode: vertical;
        text-orientation: mixed;
      .header .header-announcement-bar-wrapper {
        padding: 10px 30px 10px 10px;
      .header-inner {
        height: 100vh;
        display: table-cell;
        vertical-align: middle;
        text-align: left; /* Add this line to align the text to the left */

    The url is https://porpoise-keyboard-td6m.squarespace.com/ and pw is squarespace
    Thank you very much! Have a nice day 🙂
  2. Like
    WebShark got a reaction from Collaborada in Google Search Console has stopped crawling   
    Hello, I had not seen your replies until now, I apologize. Thank you so much! I will try your suggestions! 🙂
  3. Like
    WebShark reacted to Collaborada in Google Search Console has stopped crawling   
    Hi @WebShark You can use the URL inspection tool to ask Google to crawl individual URLs: https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/9012289
  4. Like
    WebShark reacted to Quinez in Google Search Console has stopped crawling   
    I had a similar issue with my site once. When I unblocked my content and resubmitted my sitemap, it took a couple of months for everything to get re-indexed. To speed things up, I re-submitted the sitemap and used the URL Inspection tool in Google Search Console to request indexing for some key pages. It might also help to check if there are any lingering blockages or errors. 
  5. Like
    WebShark reacted to tuanphan in Summary blog posts shows blank row   
    I think it is possible with code, but complex with me.
    Hope someone can help you with this.
  6. Like
    WebShark got a reaction from Earvin in Filter box covers results / no results   
    I solved this! I changed the 'noScrollToResults' to false in stead of true, and I changed the 'top' procent to minus 10, this can be whatever suits your need 🙂

                sticky: {// if enabled: true - trying enable sticky position of Filter to be seen on scroll
                    enabled: true,
                    top: '-10%'
                noScrollToResults: false,
  7. Like
    WebShark got a reaction from Earvin in Filter box covers results / no results   
    I am using the plugin Universal Filter and I have an issue.
    If you do not choose any filter options to start with and just scroll down, and then decide to chose a filter option the filter-box covers the results, or if you search for something with no results, the filter-box covers the  "no results" text.
    Now I would like the box to automatically scroll up, if you decide to filter after scrolling.
    site: https://cone-dolphin-lxkp.squarespace.com/turtelduen
    pw: 1234
    Hope someone can help, thanks!
  8. Like
    WebShark got a reaction from Earvin in Search bar not in the middle (smaller screen size only)   
    I use Universal Filter and my search bar on pc is in the middle, however on smaller screen its aligning left, but I want it centered no matter screen size:

    This is my current code:
     /*---  Custom Search Bar on Universal Filter ---*/
    .search-wrap   {
      font-weight: bold !important;
      color: #252627 !important;
      background-color: white !important;
        display: flex; /* Use flexbox for centering */
        justify-content: center; /* Center horizontally */
        margin: 0 auto; /* Center the container */
        width:60%; /* Ensure it takes full width */
    site: https://cone-dolphin-lxkp.squarespace.com/turtelduen
    pw: 1234
    Mobile is okay as it is a different code.
    Thank you very much in advance 🙂
  9. Like
    WebShark got a reaction from Beyondspace in Need excpert same lenght on mobile and tablet   
    Hi! Thanks for the good suggestion! As is it typically just one line, it will not work the best, I think. I was hoping there was a solution to "force" the excerpt to be certain length and make the text adapt 🙂 
  10. Love
    WebShark reacted to Lesum in Search bar not in the middle (smaller screen size only)   
    @WebShark Here's the updated code to adjust the length of the search bar:
    @media only screen and (max-width: 700px) { .custom-filter-container .customFiltersWrapper .sqs-block { margin: 0 auto !important; max-width: 100% !important; } }  
  11. Love
    WebShark reacted to Lesum in Search bar not in the middle (smaller screen size only)   
    @WebShark Here's the code to the reduce the padding between the filter options:
    .custom-filter-container[class*="custom-filter-view-buttons"].custom-filter-position-top .customFiltersWrapper .sqs-block { padding-bottom: 0 !important; } .custom-filter-container[class*="custom-filter-view-buttons"] .filterDropdown.sqs-block .archive-group-list li a { padding-right: 4px !important; padding-left: 4px !important; }  
  12. Love
    WebShark reacted to Lesum in Search bar not in the middle (smaller screen size only)   
    @WebShark Try adding this code under Custom CSS:
    @media only screen and (max-width: 700px) { .custom-filter-container .customFiltersWrapper .sqs-block { margin: 0 auto !important; } }  
  13. Like
    WebShark got a reaction from Beyondspace in Need excpert same lenght on mobile and tablet   
    Is is possible to have the Summary Excpert on tablet and mobile the same lenght at all times?
    I have made sure that there are about the same number of characters, so it looks good on pc, but on tablet and mobile it doesn't work quite as well.
    Could some custom code solve this issue?
    Thank you 🙂
    example on summary on this site: https://www.turtelduen.dk/alle-oplevelser/palads
    pw: 1234

  14. Like
    WebShark got a reaction from Earvin in Summary Block - show results by several tags   
    Thanks! I do have access to that I am not sure it will solve my issue - or perhaps I do not understand the documentation. I am not an expert in code.
    I would like to be able to showcase certain posts by using 'tags' as a filter option. For example I chose 3 different tags, and I want to only showcase posts that includes all of the 3 tags. So I want posts that all includes 'tag 1' AND 'tag 2' AND 'tag 3'.
    I don't want to showcase posts that includes 'tag 1' OR 'tag 2' OR 'tag 3' as it does now.
    Sometimes it will be on the same page. I have made an example: https://cone-dolphin-lxkp.squarespace.com/test/
    pw: 1234

    So for example
    for the first section I would like to show post that contain tag 1 AND tag 2
    and for the second section I would like to show post that contain tag 2 AND tag 5.

    Is this possible to achieve? 🙂
  15. Like
    WebShark got a reaction from Earvin in Customize Squarespace Universal Filter   
    THANK YOU! 🙌
  16. Like
    WebShark got a reaction from Earvin in Customize Squarespace Universal Filter   
  17. Like
    WebShark got a reaction from Earvin in Customize Squarespace Universal Filter   
    Thank you! It looks good however Categories seem to be added three places. Do you know what to change?

  18. Like
    WebShark got a reaction from Earvin in Customize Squarespace Universal Filter   
    Sorry! It's https://cone-dolphin-lxkp.squarespace.com/ It's on the front page 🙂
  19. Like
    WebShark got a reaction from Earvin in Customize Squarespace Universal Filter   
    I am trying to customize the Universal Filter. I am currently using the 'buttons-inline' but I want to add title to the filter. The title should be above the filter in center or in the left side next to the filter, in bold. This does not appear on this type of style. I would like to add title to the two filters, I am currently using - "Category" and "Tags".
    I hope someone can help!
    pw thankyou
  20. Like
    WebShark got a reaction from Earvin in Summary Block - show results by several tags   
    Hi tuanphan! Thank you this would be awesome!

    I would like to be able to use all the tags, I currently have. I also have the Universal Filter, if that changes anything.
    A few examples of my currents tags are: Amager, Frederiksberg, Indre By, Nordvest, Nørrebro, Refshaleøen, Sydhavn, Vesterbro, Østerbro.

    It's important that I can edit, add and delete tags.

    Is this possible to achieve?

    Thank you and have a nice day! 🙂
  21. Like
    WebShark got a reaction from Earvin in Summary Block - show results by several tags   
    I am using the 'Summary Block' on my website for my posts.
    I would like to be able to showcase certain posts by using 'tags' as a filter option. For example I chose 3 different tags, and I want to only showcase posts that includes all of the 3 tags. So I want posts that all includes 'tag 1' AND 'tag 2' AND 'tag 3'.
    I don't want to showcase posts that includes 'tag 1' OR 'tag 2' OR 'tag 3' as it does now.
    URL:  https://cone-dolphin-lxkp.squarespace.com/gratis-oplevelser
    code: thankyou
    How can I change this?
    Thank you very much in advance 🙂
  22. Love
    WebShark reacted to tuanphan in Summary Block - show results by several tags   
    This is possible with code (or custom plugin). If you have no budget to buy plugin, you can
    Let me know all tags you want to add I will test & give you full code to achieve this filter feature
  23. Like
    WebShark got a reaction from Earvin in Universal Filter covers results and no results   
    I am using the 'Universal Filter' on my site. I have two issues.
    1) When choosing a filter option, the site jumps down a bit and the filter-box covers some of the result options below. See image 1.
    2) If you do not choose any filter options to start with and just scroll down, and then decide to chose a filter option issue 1 happens again, or if you search for something that with no results, the filter-box covers the "no results" text. Now I would like the box to scroll up so the "no result" text is visible. See image 2.

    URL: https://cone-dolphin-lxkp.squarespace.com/
    Code: thankyou
    I hope someone can help 🤞 Thank you very much in advance 🙂

  24. Like
    WebShark got a reaction from Earvin in Universal Filter covers results and no results   
    Just wanted to add that solution to problem 1 is to add code: noScrollToResults: true,
  25. Like
    WebShark reacted to Earvin in Negative space / White space near plugin (Universal Filter)   
    I agree with @JayVanDyke, the extra space only happens when using the fluid engine (the grid layout system) and that can be reduced by removing/decreasing the grid rows near the bottom of the section but you still have the default padding of the section to deal with. 
    You can adjust the padding or margin with CSS but the most convenient and non technical way to do it is what Jay suggested. 
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