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  1. Hi Ziggy, I've also noticed for whatever reason the italic version is showing up much more slanted on the website than it does in Canva or in the original italic file - do you know why that may be?
  2. Thank you so much for you help! All fixed now! And yes I have Breathing uploaded 🙂
  3. Hi Ziggy, I've tried to do that but I can't get it to work, I've attached what I've done below - am I missing anything? Thank you! @font-face{ font-family:"Editors-Note"; src: url(https://static1.squarespace.com/static/61adfbcfd01b703db09ac943/t/6633a17aa1264248c5fb214b/1714659707010/Editor%27sNote-Light.otf)}h1,h2,h3,h4,{font-family:"Editors-Note"!important}code, time, .blog-meta-section a{font-family:"Breathing"!important} @font-face{ font-family:"Editors-Note-Italic"; src: url(https://static1.squarespace.com/static/61adfbcfd01b703db09ac943/t/66ce4ea750773b1df49ae5d5/1724796583677/Editor%27sNote-LightItalic.otf)}hi1,hi2,hi3,hi4 {font-family:"Editors-Note-Italic"!important}
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