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Posts posted by ChristinaSharp

  1. Both the injection code and custom css worked for me. I tweaked the injection code a little because I needed the captions visible both in the gallery and lightbox. Unfortunately, the code injection seems to cause issues with my squarespace editor? Maybe squarespace is having connectivity issues, but the editor should look like the first image, not the second image (attached)

    The issue I'm running into now is the styling of the lightbox text. I'd like the caption to be just under the image, not overlapping on the bottom. I set the bottom to -100 but then it gets cut off on mobile. Any suggestions?

    page: https://deyvaarthurtest.squarespace.com/photographyprojects/egypt-everyday
    pass: Deyva1234


    Screen Shot 2023-01-27 at 10.07.57 AM.png

  2. Captions are being cut off on laptop-sized browser and smaller.

    Site: deyvaarthurtest.squarespace.com/photographyprojects/egypt-everyday 
    Pass: Deyva123

    I tried adding code to make the full caption visible (see below), but the caption expands behind other elements like the gallery thumbnails and another text block below the gallery.

    Is there a way to tell the caption area to expand and adjust depending on the length of the caption?

    .gallery-caption .gallery-caption-wrapper {
          overflow: visible;


  3. Captions in my Slideshow Gallery are getting cut/cropped off (Mobile_no code.png). I've tried allowing the overflow to be visible with the code below, but that extends the text below other elements under the gallery (Mobile_with code.png).

    Code I used for caption:

    .gallery-caption .gallery-caption-wrapper {
          overflow: visible;

    How can I make the caption fully visible on all screen sizes, and allow the content below the gallery/caption to flow properly after it instead of overlap?

    I also don't like that the thumbnail list under the gallery disappears on mobile. Is there a way to keep that from disappearing?

    The site is https://deyvaarthurtest.squarespace.com/photographyprojects/worchester-asylum pass is Deyva1234


    Mobile_no code.png

    Mobile_with code.png


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