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Posts posted by StMark

  1. 39 minutes ago, Ziggy said:

    You should be able to click and drag the bottom block to the right of the other two, look for the blue line that denotes the "insertion point" and drag the block around until the blue line is vertical and to the right of the other two blocks.

    I've tried, man. Every time it only let's me do two columns, not three. It's super frustrating. Any other suggestions?

  2. Hello!

    On our Bedford template only let's me make a two column section of text on the home page... but I'd like it to be three columns.

    SUNDAY AT 8:15AM

    SUNDAY AT 9:30AM

    SUNDAY AT 11:00AM

    How can I do that with code? I'm pretty much a non-coder. Thanks!

    (Here's the section I'd like to be three columns)

    Screen Shot 2023-02-22 at 6.56.24 PM.png

  3. Site URL: https://www.stmarkbattlecreek.org/


    I can't see anywhere in the Bedford Family - Hayden Template that I can add a background autoplay video, so I:

    • added a video via CSS > manage custom files 
    • I then copied that address and added that to a code (see below) in a code section on our homepage

    When I view the homepage in my editor screen, it DOES play. However, when I go to the browser and test it out, it DOES NOT play.

    Here is the code I'm using:

      <video autoplay="autoplay" loop="true" width="100%">
        <source src="https://static1.squarespace.com/static/582b712fcd0f68b65a91b55c/t/630fb3b37ee6a078fd75904b/1661973440449/Homepage+Video+02.mp4https://static1.squarespace.com/static/582b712fcd0f68b65a91b55c/t/630fb3b37ee6a078fd75904b/1661973440449/Homepage+Video+02.mp4#block-ea65278c5c525184533b" type="video/mp4"/> 


    Any thoughts on how I can make this video autoplay as a background video on our website? Thanks!


  4. 1 hour ago, paul2009 said:

    You'll need to fix the position of the header and then, because the header will now be obscuring some of the page content, you'll need to add some extra padding to the top of the page's main content.

    You should be able to do this with something like this (in Design > Custom CSS😞

    #header {
      position: fixed;
    .main-content {
      padding-top: 140px;



    This is amazing! Thank you sooooo very much!

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