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Posts posted by madseason

  1. What is the best way to use the video code block to put a YouTube channel on a page? The goal is that if a video goes live from a particular channel, the live video will show up in the video code block?

  2. It looks like you have to do a more specific search in the amazon block. If for example you type in just a title, it could give you any media result as the picture and make it look like the only option. If you type in the title and add paperback to the end of it for example, it will populate a different image. Most of the images I have are corrected but still some slight variation. Not like before..

  3. I added the amazon code block to my website that squarespace has integrated. Is there CSS to make all of the images the same size on the page? It doesn't matter which size as long as it's not the really small pictures.

    Thanks for looking into!

    amazon picture size.png

  4. I was wondering if someone would be able to help me write the code to target a specific set of accordion block dividers in the following sections:


    Color should be black.

  5. 2 hours ago, paul2009 said:

    This was a design change by Squarespace that they made on 23 September when they introduced new cart icon options. To avoid issues where the cart count may overlap the icon, they moved it to the right instead. 

    Thanks Paul!

  6. I've noticed in many squarespace videos and on many sites, the number of items in the shopping cart is above the shopping cart graphic. Mine is off to the right. How can this be changed to be above the cart? I don't see a setting for it.

  7. I have the below css code for a button. When the button is hovered it will outline the button in white. When I move the mouse off of hover, I get a bit of blue at the bottom of the button. How do I remove the blue at the bottom of the button?



    /* add to cart button */
    .sqs-add-to-cart-button:before  {
      background-color: #000000 !important;
    .sqs-add-to-cart-button:hover:before  {
      border-color: #ffffff !important;
      background-color: #000000 !important; 
    .sqs-add-to-cart-button:hover  .sqs-add-to-cart-button-inner {
      color: #ffffff;  


  8. I have a scrolling issue on a code block. If you use the scroll buttons it likes to scroll beyond the content in the block. How do I get it to stop scrolling at the end of the content.

    I moved the link for the page up to the header for easy access. It's called Cryptocurrency Dashboard. The code block is at the top of the page called "Forking/Halving Events".


  9. Hello,

    I added a list section to 2 pages on my website and the button alignment is off probably due to the pictures as displayed below. I tried to adjust the picture settings ratio and that did not help any. I need to make sure the whole picture is displayed but not have it impact the button placement.

    I put the links to the impacted pages up in the header (stock market dashboard and cryptocurrency dashboard). The list section is called charts of interest and is down at the bottom of the page.

    Thanks in advance for the help!


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