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Posts posted by mrart



    Thank you, it now seems to be working on desktop, I think the previous info must have been cached.

    Would you know how to have the border of the select size box on desktop (mobile is fine) appear as one colour? I believe it presently has the "raised" border.

    Also, would you know if it's possible to change the background colour of the select size box to white?

    Thank you again,


    Hi again,

    Thank you so much, this is working perfectly on mobile, I've gotten the widths of the buttons to be equal as well, but the widths don't remain equal on desktop, I tried adding "!important;" to the width input, but it didn't help:

    #productDetails .product-variants .variant-option select {
        padding: 15px;
        width: 197px !important;
        border-radius: 0 !important;

    Would you know of something that can help to keep the same width of buttons on desktop as well?

    Thank you again,



    Would anybody know how to change the lightbox theme to light overlay (rather than dark overlay) for the images (both the feature and caroussel images) on a product detail page?

    I tried these with no success:

    .gallery-lightbox-background {
        background-color: white;


    .product-lightbox-background {
        background-color: white;

    I'm using Avenue template 7.0

    Thank you,

  4. Hi,

    I've created a page of images that is 3 columns wide, 3 rows high. Each image has a text box underneath (I am not using an index page or gallery block because I'd like to have 2 lines of text under the image which isn't possible with either)

    When the page goes to mobile, the columns are read first, so the order is changed from what it is meant to be (which is from left to right).

    Would there be a way to have mobile view prefer horizontal order, placing each image from the rows first, rather than the columns?

    I'm on Avenue template 7.0

    Thanks for any help

  5. Hi,

    Would anybody know of a way to jump directly to the content of the product when the item is clicked, rather than see the title header each time?

    I've had no luck with anchors, could anybody suggest some coding?

    I wonder if the "Page Header Code Injection" in Advanced Store Settings could be part of the solution?

    I'm using Avenue template (7.0)

    Thank you in advance,

    (image as an example of jump to content)


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