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Posts posted by paigesquarespace

  1. I should note, I've seen the custom code threads that introduce a "play on hover" effect for the gifs, but this is a little different from what I'm hoping to achieve. I'd like for the gif to re-animate as soon as someone clicks the "back" button on the carousel.

  2. On my website (https://redirect.org/our-framework-test, pass: Testing2024$) I have a carousel scroll that integrates/previews content from a hidden blog page. This is primarily to feature associated blog images in the carousel. Those images are currently set up as non-looping gifs. However, when you advance to the next carousel slide and then go back to the previous one, the gif does not replay/re-animate, and is only shown in it's "end state."

    As opposed to being forced to create long looping gifs (which increases the file size), or constantly refreshing the webpage to re-animate the gifs, is there a custom-code workaround to have the gifs reanimate when moving back to previous slides in the carousel?


    Thanks in advance for the help.

  3. Hi all,

    When I pull up a few different pages of my website on mobile, there's a weird gap between my header / first section banner image, and the menu/navigation bar. This isn't the case in desktop mode. Any css that can help me address this? It only appears on some pages on mobile, so I don't think it's an underlying design/styles issue? It also doesn't show up when I preview the mobile appearance in Squarespace.


    Any help appreciated! Attached are some example photos (the gap appears as a purple stripe).image.png.cd4493dc66243146689929b318a3076b.pngimage.png.a508ddcb1fef36d0dca43f3b7129d578.png

  4. 4 hours ago, tuanphan said:


    What should it look like?

    I'm hoping to have all of the grid lengths the exact same height, so that not only do all of the rows of posts start at the same point on the page, but they end at the same point (evenly) too. So in the first row of posts, the farthest right post is off (screenshot attached).

    Screen Shot 2022-06-01 at 8.45.46 AM.png

  5. Site URL: https://bluebird-decagon-tlaa.squarespace.com/

    Hi all,

    I'm currently using universal filter for some customizations on my blog pages for my website. I'm wondering if there's a way, by using Universal Filter from squarewebsites, to add a filter by blog author feature? So far I only see a way to filter by categories and tags.

    Thanks in advance.

    site link: https://bluebird-decagon-tlaa.squarespace.com/ pass: Support22$

  6. Site URL: https://bluebird-decagon-tlaa.squarespace.com/

    Hi there,


    I'm looking for some help on alignment of my menu header title dropdown lists, somewhat related to previous threads in this forum. However, what I'm trying to do differently is make it so that only some of my menu options are left-aligned for the dropdown list, while others are right aligned. So for example, I want the "Our Work" and the "Connect" tabs to remain left aligned, but would like the "Stories" and "About Us" tabs to be right aligned.


    Here is the custom code I've used to get to this point-- any insight would be helpful!

    a.header-nav-folder-title:hover + div, .header-nav-folder-content {
        text-align: left !important;
        position: absolute;
        left: 0% !important;
        right: unset !important;
        background: solid !important;

    .header-nav .header-nav-item--folder .header-nav-folder-content {
      padding: .25em!important;
      .header-nav-folder-item a {
        padding: 1em 1em!important;
        border-bottom: 1px solid #a02f7b;


    Screen Shot 2022-05-13 at 4.11.06 PM.png

    Screen Shot 2022-05-13 at 4.11.13 PM.png

    Screen Shot 2022-05-13 at 4.11.19 PM.png

    Screen Shot 2022-05-13 at 4.11.25 PM.png

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