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  1. @creedon thanks a lot for your help ! It worked 🙂 . Now I only see the start date of events which is what I wanted. I want to use this feature more like blog posts, so event start date = post entry date. I think I also figured out how to display all events on one column! Thanks for your help, much appreciated!
  2. Hi @paul2009 and thanks for your reply! the website url is: https://swordfish-sparrow-f2fh.squarespace.com/ password is " pleasefixthis " 😆 The events are under the News page. I'm on Squarespace version 7.1 as I can see on the bottom left of the Help page, but I can't see -and don't remember- which template I'm using. According to this link https://support.squarespace.com/hc/en-us/articles/115005308187-What-s-my-site-s-version-and-template- , the template should be displayed next to the version of Squarespace but I don't see it there. Let me know if you need anything else from my side.
  3. Hello, I've been trying to remove some things from my Squarespace template, among which the time of events, that's why I'm posting on this thread. I've tried adding all the code snippets(one at a time) that the kind people have provided to Design > Custom CSS, but the time on my events is still displayed. I want to change some other things too, so I'll write everything down specifically: - remove time from events - remove end date from events - display all events on one column, not divided to past and upcoming. I'm new to Squarespace and the website I'm working on is not published yet, so please let me know what url I should provide for someone to help. thanks in advance, I appreciate any help on this. 🙏
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