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Posts posted by OnceAVillan

  1. @bangank36 Thanks for your reply. I've since spoken to SquareSpace support again and they have confirmed this is an issue on their side. The problem seems to be the store pages are being rendered as blog pages or that the store and blog functions are somehow getting mixed up. A strange issue. It just suddenly appeared in our account 2 days ago, when parts of the store page started to show blog features (a blog icon instead of a store icon, a blog settings menu and the page rendered as a blog). But the store features also periodically return too. Not sure why, but they are escalating it.

  2. Site URL: https://squid-poodle-dnew.squarespace.com/events

    I have been using some custom code to add filters to a site I am working on (the code is for the plugin 'universal filters'). The filter on the store page was working fine for the last 3-4 weeks whilst I was building the site until yesterday, but suddenly it stopped working. I have another filter on the home page of the site using effectively the same code, just with different options selected, and that is still working fine. I presume this is related, but I have also started to see errors in the store page. The store has changed to be a blog according to the menus, although it sometimes appears as a store still and sometimes as a blog. I also can't save the menu that appears when you click on the cog for the store page.

    Obviously my first thought was to remove the code to see if it made any difference, but I cannot remove the code as I cannot save anything in that window. I click the save link but nothing happens. I spoke to squareSpace support and they said to take all the custom code out and see if that fixed it. They seemed to be able to remove the code, as it was removed when I was on the live chat, but as part of testing I added it back in and now I can't remove it again.

    I am not sure if this is actually related to the code though to be honest, as even when customer support removed the code the issues persisted. I have noticed that there seems to be an updated version of the product pages in my account and I am wondering if it is some kind of bug related to this. Is anyone else seeing anything similar or does anyone know how I can resolve it?

    The site is here https://squid-poodle-dnew.squarespace.com/ and the store page is here https://squid-poodle-dnew.squarespace.com/events

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