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Posts posted by liampetro

  1. Hey there! This feels like it should be easy but I'm not finding anything online to help me out with it. I'm using Squarespace 7.0 and would like to add a background image to just one page. Please let me know if I'm not being clear enough. Thanks!

    My research has led me to this scrap of code that has allowed me add a background image, but to every page on my site. Maybe this is a good jumping off point? I don't know. I'm a coding novice 🙂

    body {
      background-image: url(https://example.com/image.jpg);


  2. On 10/4/2021 at 9:40 AM, liampetro said:

    Apologies. This is the last time this will be happening. I've been in the middle of transferring an  old domain to squarespace. Here's the new domain:



    On 10/2/2021 at 3:06 AM, tuanphan said:

    Can you check site url?

    No Such Website
    The website you requested does not exist.

    Hey just to refresh your memory. I'm just looking to move the interactive point of my custom cursor. Please any questions you might have. Thanks!

  3. On 9/30/2021 at 11:46 AM, liampetro said:

    Yes! There is probably a more technical or more descriptive way for me to explain my issue, but it really comes down to shifting "pointer position" to the tip of the pencil.

    Just like in a standard mouse pointer, the only part of the cursor that can interact with a website is the very tip of the pointer. Does that clear things up?

    Apologies. This is the last time this will be happening. I've been in the middle of transferring an  old domain to squarespace. Here's the new domain:


  4. 13 hours ago, bangank36 said:

    So you mean the pointer position is not correctly display right?

    Yes! There is probably a more technical or more descriptive way for me to explain my issue, but it really comes down to shifting "pointer position" to the tip of the pencil.

    Just like in a standard mouse pointer, the only part of the cursor that can interact with a website is the very tip of the pointer. Does that clear things up?

  5. Site URL: https://liampietraszewski.squarespace.com

    Hey all! I made a new cursor (image attached) and I'm quite happy with how it looks. The problem is the point of interactivity is in the pinky; I'd like it to be at the tip of the pencil. I'm just wondering how to shift or select the part of the cursor that interacts with the website.

    ALSO not to ask for too much, but I was considering having the cursor change ever so slightly upon hovering over a site link (ie. hand tilts slightly counter clockwise and the pinky tucks in to mimic a hand ready to write) and I'm wondering if this will change the answer to my first question.  Thanks!

    P.S. To access my website, my password is: grandpashoes44



  6. Site URL: https://fiddle-reed-4bh7.squarespace.com

    I don't know how easy this is but I couldn't find anywhere that allows me to adjust the point of my cursor. Here's what I mean by that:

    So the attached image is my new cursor. As of now, the "interactive" part of the cursor is in the pinky. I want it to be at the tip of the pencil. Is there anything I can do to make the "point" of my cursor down about 10 px or so?


  7. @iamdavehart Thanks so much for your help!

    So just to make sure things look finished and appealing, my plan (if possible) was to use PNGs of a number of different line lengths that match the length of the text. That way I wouldn't have to stretch one image and compromise aesthetics. Below is a sample of various line lengths that I would cut, export as PNG files of a standardized height, and then include into Squarespace.

    Now I'm imagining that makes things much more complicated or impossible. The reason why I can only imagine this is because I'm a coding novice, and even that is a generous title. If there's anything else you can give me or some solutions to this issue that would be awesome!

    underlines (general).png

  8. Site URL: https://fiddle-reed-4bh7.squarespace.com/config/design/custom-css

    More specifically, I'd like like it so that when I hover over a given option on the home page, a png appears beneath the text to underline it. As shown, I've photocopied rough, pen drawings/lines as a stylistic choice. It'd be cool to carryout this style in a number of ways throughout the site. So the PNGs would be of simple lines drawn in pen, but I'd want these lines to appear under each option upon a mouse hovering over that specific option. Take a look at the mockup below. Anybody have any ideas?


    p.s. let me know if you need help accessing the website.



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