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Posts posted by AlisonJ

  1. Thanks Paul. I have been looking at this option. I can see one example on the Squarespace Website Plugins site that looks like it might work. Do you know of other examples that I can check out?

    Also, what if the sites don't have addresses, i.e. they are just plots of land?

  2. Hiya,

    I'm looking at creating a website with a map for a client, that has multiple points on it. The pointers would need pop ups showing more information about each site. I have looked at some options for plugins (which I've never used before with Squarespace). Can anyone recommend a good place to start? Legit third party plugins? Recommended interactive maps? Good examples of similar squarespace sites? Any help, much appreciated.

  3. Thanks Derrick. That's interesting. I did choose Brine because of the amount of flexibility it gave me, but from other forum posts, isn't 7.1 better for performance? Might it iron out some of the issues flagged by the wesbite report above? I guess new isn't always better, but I thought in this case it probably was!

    I'm not looking to do a huge redesign, but I do want my site working the best it can, epsecially as I hone my business. Hmm. Not sure about this one.

  4. Thanks for responding, Ziggy! Here's the site: https://encompass-id.com/ (I thought I had included it, so cheers for pointing that out. 🤦‍♀️) I've done some training on Fluid Engine (and worked with Elementor on a couple of Wordpress sites), so it would definitely be Fluid Engine that I'd use.

    My website is far from 'clean' at the moment. I'm working on  also cleaning up my messaging in the meantime.

  5. First trip to the forum. Hi!

    I designed this site a few years ago (in a very haphazard way) and since then life, work and my website requirements have moved on massively. I'm at the stage where I need to move to 7.1 and to update my site to reflect my business as it is now. I'm a bit nervous though: and would love to be directed towards some good practice before I make the shift.

    I've been offered some local business support, and the person reviewing my site was horrified by the following mobile results. (See screenshots below.) In fact, he said he's never seen any so bad. (It was bit embarrassing actually.)

    I want to stick with Squarespace. Will all these issues be sorted by using 7.1 and better web design? Or will I still face some of these nasty numbers? Can anyone give me a headsup on how best to approach this?

    I have dipped into some of the discussion on Google PageInsights and SEO results and mobile-friendly concerns. I just want to start well and give my business its best chance, if you know what I mean?


    Screenshot 2022-11-02 at 15.50.04.png

    Screenshot 2022-11-02 at 15.50.09.png

    Screenshot 2022-11-02 at 15.50.33.png

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