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Posts posted by TrueNatureDreams

  1. Hi Sam,

    Thank you so much for your help and replying here.

    I tried the code snippets you sent but unfortunately it's not working for me. There is no animated text appearing at all. 

    Your demo site is exactly what I want to achieve.

    If you can add me to your demo site that would be great - in case there's any CSS or something I've missed.

    If I still can't get it to work do you have an email address to contact you directly with so that I can share my client's site but just in a less public forum due to confidentiality and also buy you a coffee to say thanks!

    Thanks again, really appreciate your help.




  2. Hi, thanks for responding here!

    It's a client site so I can't share the URL here due to confidentiality. I can share my own website URL and set it up as a test page to try it out.


    The text I'd like to appear is as follows:

    BECOME A  'Student', 'Master', 'Light' OF THIS REALM

    (words in quotes are the variable words I'd like to animate as typewriter text, delete and type the new word on an infinite loop)

    Hope this makes sense.

    Thanks again, Becs.


  3. Thank you so much for you help @iamdavehartI really appreciate you taking the time to answer my question. 

    This has worked really well and provides exactly what I was looking for, now to work out how to layer an image within the section.

    Thanks again, you're a total star.


  4. I am looking to add a new section to a blog post but it doesn't seem possible.

    Does anyone know any code to make this happen?

    I spoke to Squarespace and it seems like Fluid Engine isn't live for blogs yet.

    I would like a header banner across the top before I begin the main body of the blog post. I've added a screenshot of what I'd like to recreate.

    Squarespace suggested using spacers but that won't allow a full-bleed banner image at the top of the page.

    Can anyone help? Thanks in advance.


    Screenshot 2023-03-08 at 12.46.49.png

  5. Site URL: https://lanternfish-plums-lwd5.squarespace.com/

    Hello folks, 

    I'm hoping someone can let me know the CSS to change the List Title Font to my custom font 'Mermaid'.

    I have H1, H2, H3, H4 set as 'Mermaid' but when I add a List Item it is defaulting to preset Squarespace fonts.

    The passcode for the Trial site is 'Betty'.

    Here's a screenshot to show the text is appearing as Poppins instead of 'Mermaid'.

    Thanks in advance folks for any help you can give.

    Becs 😀

    Screenshot 2021-11-03 at 10.48.06.png

    Screenshot 2021-11-03 at 10.28.27.png

  6. 8 minutes ago, Agha_Waqas said:

    Hello - thank you so much thank you for locating my code for me! I just deleted it, it was easier that way.

    Really appreciate your answer here. 

    Becs 🙂 

    Hi, You can simply add spacing between the "cart icon" and "back to top" buttons by following below code. so both buttons show on the bottom right corner with no mess.
    .floating-cart {bottom: 80px !important;}

    or if you want to remove the "back to top" the code will be in the Header code injection. go to settings> advance > code injection


  7. Site URL: https://www.truenaturedreams.com/shop

    Hi guys, please help! I'd really appreciate it!

    I added some code to create a 'scroll to top' button on my site, which I was really happy with.

    But I've just added a Store page and when I did a test sale the 'add to cart' button has merged and become the 'scroll to top' button, so customers can't view their cart or complete check out! 

    I tried just deleting the original CSS/code for 'scroll to top' button, so it doesn't cause any conflict but can't find out where it is on my site, I did it so long ago!

    Can anyone please help? I can't sell items through my store until I can fix this!

    Thank you, Becs 🙂 

    Screenshot 2021-08-02 at 11.51.22.png

    Screenshot 2021-08-02 at 11.51.39.png

  8. Site URL: https://www.truenaturedreams.com/

    Hello everyone!

    I'm really hoping someone can help:

    I have this code on every site I've ever done to remove the link underline, site wide:

    a {background-image:none !important;}

    But for some reason it doesn't seem to be working anymore. Any ideas? Did SS change something? I have all the pesky underlines that have come back on all of my sites! Aagh! Please help!

    Thank you, Rebecca.

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