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Posts posted by spencer_p

  1. Site URL: http://www.spencerproduct.com/art

    I've tried inject code into 'Custom CSS' area which I got from a previous forum post. It was working up until today when I altered some  layout design elements, and now I can't get it back. I can't see the new cursor in Chrome, but in Safari it shows up, but flickers and doesn't move as easily as cursors should or normally do.

    I've tried a few different codes but I'm not very fluent with this language so I'm not sure where it's wrong.

    Here is the code I am putting this code into the custom ccs area

    html, body {cursor: url(https://i.postimg.cc/DfMZQxvG/dot-cursor-black.png), auto;}
    a:hover {cursor: url(https://i.postimg.cc/YS5Gx8f8/dot-cursor-gray.png), auto !important;}
    .sqs-system-button {cursor: url(https://i.postimg.cc/DfMZQxvG/dot-cursor-black.png),auto !important;}
    * {cursor: url(https://i.postimg.cc/DfMZQxvG/dot-cursor-black.png)

    Can anyone help me figure out what happened?

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