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Posts posted by Boostew

  1. So just to clarify @tuanphan - the top image pasted here is the homepage, which should stay the same 

    The bottom image here is how I want the new (not online yet) Design page to look like when I first click on it.

    Is this something you're able to help with? Sorry to keep posting but I thought I had heaps of time and now I'm a few days away from having to upload my portfolio for a course.


    Thank you

    Screenshot 2023-12-05 at 9.28.04 am.png

    Screenshot 2023-12-05 at 9.28.27 am.png

  2. Thanks @tuanphan - the design page isn't created yet - I've done a few samples (see images 2 and 3) in the very first post - I just don't want it live until I sort it out and have content in it if that makes sense! So yes your first two points are correct, I just don't have that Design page live. If you see original post (images 3) this is what I'm looking for on the Design page.

  3. I'm hoping this is a simple one! I need to set up a basic gallery page on my website called "design". Just a simple series of JPGs that are easy to scroll thru with 'prev/next'.

    I'd also like to keep the current gallery style of my homepage (pic #1), which I think is different settings.

    I DON'T want the Design page to open on a series of thumbnails (see pic #2) - I DO want it to open straight on the fullscreen image (see pic #3).

    When I go to the Gallery settings and change it to 'fill' and untick 'enable gallery thumbnails' this changes the homepage as well.

    Would anyone have a workaround for this? Is it a CSS thing or is there another way around it? Many thanks, Rebecca S.

    1. current homepage.png

    2. design page.png

    3. design page (what I want).png

    Gallery settings in 'design'.png

  4. Hi there,

    I've already created a password-protected page (see screenshot) of the two file types of my graphic novel. This page was created specifically for backers, and I sent an email with the password when my campaign was complete.

    Now I want to offer digital downloads for anyone to buy the same thing using the "digital downloads" feature. Ideally I'd just want them to pay on the page, then receive the confirmation email with the URL and password to the page below. I've looked into the digital download email and I can't change the text to reflect that (rather than the link to the file, as it's currently set up).

    I really don't want to have 3 different products listed for the book (physical, ePub and PDF). Two is OK I guess.

    Does anyone have any ideas how to go about that? Many thanks, Rebecca S

    Screen Shot 2022-11-29 at 12.23.18 pm.png

  5. I just had a good bike ride and am wondering - could I be giving people too many steps to fill in their email?

    Could they be clicking on the red sign up button (which is recorded on Squarespace analytics) - then when they get to the actual email input they're changing their minds about it?

    I'm going to have a tinker.

    If anyone knows how to get the email sign up on the actual landing page like the image attached - instead of adding another step and page to the process, please let me know. Everything I've tried in the landing page editor (my template is 'Flash') only gives the option of a single button and requirement to step through to a new page.

    Screen Shot 2022-09-07 at 10.12.18 am.png

  6. Site URL: https://rebeccalennoxstewart.com/infernal-regions

    There is a discrepancy on the 'Form and button conversions' analytics page on my site.

    I want people to sign up via my Squarespace landing page - this is linked to my Mailchimp database. The figures on the top graph (about 22 new sign ups) are correct with what is in Mailchimp. However, the bottom analytic says there are 46 submissions and 50 unique views (see screenshot). I can't figure out where the extra 24 sign ups have gone. I did once have a Squarespace mailing list accidentally linked to a form, but I've checked and it's not this.

    The FB ad I've uploaded says that about 200+ people have clicked on this link (obvs my landing page is not converting, lol)

    Is there something about the terminology I don't understand - or am I missing 46 new sign ups, or are they bouncing?

    Any hints or tips about this gratefully received. I just need to know if I need to troubleshoot this at the Squarespace or the Mailchimp end. Many thanks, Rebecca S

    Screen Shot 2022-09-07 at 8.47.38 am.png

    Screen Shot 2022-09-07 at 9.01.16 am.png

  7. Just adding to this thread. I'm in the same position - selling very different items of size and weight. Would love if Squarespace could help out with selecting product-specific shipping.

    To give the developers an example of how this is difficult for vendors, particularly at this time:

    Australia Post became rather unreliable during lockdown in Melbourne. So it was important to me to be able to arrange a free click and collect option for those who were able to (within the 5km lockdown zone). during a print sale. I also think that if it's possible, this is a more environmentally-friendly option so I can deliver on bike or people pick up from me personally.

    Some people unexpectedly used the free click and collect option on a totally different product option (zines) - people well outside the 5km zone, who I had no choice but to to post out to. I wore the very small cost of postage, but I think that if Squarespace could see how awkward this is, they could hopefully dream up a better solution for the Shop section than this.

    Thank you - Rebecca S

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