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Posts posted by taylorlaidlaw

  1. Hi! This has all been so helpful, thank you so much. I'm still running into a bit of an issue though - my social link is still left aligned and I want it centred with everything else.




    This is the code I have:

    .header-burger { display:flex!important}
    .header--menu-open .header-menu {opacity: 1!important;visibility: visible!important;}
    .header-nav, {visibility:hidden!important}
    .header-menu-nav {text-align: center!important; }
    div.header-menu-nav-item a {
        font-size: 30px !important;
        padding: 20px;
    .header .header-burger {
        order: 1 !important;
    .header-title-nav-wrapper {
        order: 2;
    .header-actions.header-actions--right {
        order: 3;



    Can someone help? Thank you!


  2. Site URL: https://www.thereverieco.com/

    Hi, I would like to credit photographers under banner images on my site. I want small text in the right hand corner of the image to credit photographers. Right now, I can't make the spacing work or I can only do it creating a small black bar below the banner image but it's too much space (see styled lounges on my website). 


    password: whistler1!

    Can someone help?

  3. I have the same question as Bmosello - is there a way to have the counter start when you scroll to that section on the page rather than when it loads?

    You can't see mine counting down because its lower than the main image - staffrelief.ca


    Thank you!

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