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Posts posted by Collaborada

  1. Most background images are considered decorative. Version 7.1 use null alt text which is appropriate, here's more info: https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20-TECHS/H67.html

    If needed, you could add code to handle the alt text. But if an image is conveying important information, consider an image block for better user experience across devices.

    And here's the answer marked as the solution with more info: 


  2. Hi @shyless Google can understand and process this without issue. You'll find examples of sites on the same template performing well. There are other issues at play here, such as the site name field, site structure, etc. To start, look for our article on site names which should help.

  3. Hi @jdenninger The site has more compelling issues. It looks to be a recent migration. There should be 301 redirects pointing old URLs to new URLs.

    For example /biotech-laboratory should redirect to /laboratory. Or using your example above,  /directory/listing/alexander-demare-m-d should redirect to the new page for Dr. DeMare. That said, you'll likely want the doctor URLs to be more clear for positive user experience. So instead of /doctor-tz9t8 it might be /alexander-demare-m-d or similar. 

    You can use free tools such as Google Search Console or Ahrefs traffic checker to see the impact the migration is having on visibility. We have articles with more info on website migrations.

  4. Hi @Peyton_instant sitemaps should update within 24 hours: https://support.squarespace.com/hc/en-us/articles/206543547-Your-site-map if not, then ask Squarespace to regenerate it for you. 

    And yes the tags are annoying, but they were deprecated by Google a couple of years ago: https://developers.google.com/search/blog/2022/05/spring-cleaning-sitemap-extensions

    We have more info on both of these issues in our post on Squarespace sitemaps. 

  5. Hi @aboubakrvfx If a website isn't appearing for brand searches, it might simply be because it's very new. But many different factors affect online visibility. It could be a brand name that is similar to more established brands, poor SEO practices, low-quality content, poor site structure, Google spam violation, etc. If you built the site yourself, you’ll want to learn about search engine optimization.

  6. Hi @Jaz_Currie_12. Yes a site needs to be public for search engines to crawl it. But there's a bit of confusion regarding the role of sitemaps. Google does not require a sitemap to crawl and index a website: https://developers.google.com/search/docs/crawling-indexing/sitemaps/overview

    You have the right idea on getting it crawled sooner rather than later. Just make sure to explain to the client the missed marketing opportunities and delayed visibility on search engines if they choose to wait. 

  7. Hi @VeroVino. Yes, this has happened fairly recently on our site for the first time (that we are aware of). Please report it to Support immediately. Also see this similar post: 


  8. Hi there! Thanks for your response. We always aim to support beginners, which is why we recommend consulting Google's own documentation on their ranking systems and best practices - they provide clear insights on <title> elements: https://developers.google.com/search/docs/fundamentals/seo-starter-guide

    Just a friendly note: while some resources suggest specific character counts, it's important to understand that these are guidelines rather than strict rules. Many factors influence how many characters of a page's title appear in Google search, including desktop, mobile, featured snippet, SGE links, and more. 

    Feel free to reach out if you need further assistance! 😊

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