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Posts posted by jac.cunningham

  1. I followed a YouTube guide but it's old and not getting a response. He said either CSS or JS

    In order for the code to work, do I need any additional elements besides the CSS code in the middle block of the url displayed above?

    I uploaded the CSS code plus an image, eg a black dot for the cursor (where the code says //cursor: none; ) and all I get is a black dot.  If I take out the black dot url, I get no change.

    I am clearly missing something. Working on 7.1

    The cursor displayed at the bottom of the screen is exactly what I want to achieve.

  2. 19 hours ago, tuanphan said:

    Can you share link to the site?

    It's my working site so I had to turn off the Design > Custom CSS code.
    Goal is for a sticky menu to work on Brine, with Homepage using Index. The code above de-activates the links in my menu to no longer be clickable so I can't leave the code active. I've left the first bit in the HEADER. 🙂

  3. Just curious what did your finished Header and CSS code look like?  There are a lot of comments in this post and I still can't get it to work on Brine past the hero image and ON TOP of the texts.  Also my Menu becomes unclickable so had to deactivate the code. TIA




    <!-- // Sticky Nav Menu // --> 

    <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>


     $(window).on("scroll", function() {

        if($(window).scrollTop() > 400) {


        } else {





    #2 DESIGN CSS 

    /*Sticky Menu Code*/ 


      background-color: white!important;

      position: fixed!important;

      transition: 0.2s all linear;

      -webkit-transition:background-color .4s;

      -moz-transition:background-color .4s;

      transition:background-color .4s;



      background-color: white!important;


    .Site-inner{padding-top: 50px;}



  4. Is there any way for a Customer/Client to create an account BEFORE they schedule an appointment for the first time?  It just seems weird that it is at the end of the Customer Journey. We wish to encourage our clients to have an account so they can manage multiple appointments.  

    It means that we have to write a process 'after the fact' and they then have another step to do after clicking their way through the scheduling options, which in itself is tedious.


    Anyhow just asking if anyone else has this issue in their "Customer Journey flow".


    Also is there any way to reconfigure the Redeem Coupon Button? It is part of the Scheduling Page items which are defaulted in the view. I know I can change the texts.

    Thanks Jac

  5. Has anyone successfully imported Appointments when first migrating data into Scheduling - without having to merge client accounts? (Combine duplicate client profiles)

    I've checked the help.

    What I have found is that it shows up on the client account but you STILL have to combine the data.

    I have included all seperate fields to match the original account. I tested merging the account first and last name. Still same result. I also tested leaving fields off, like phone number.

    Our accounts have : first name, last name, email and phone.
    I am trying to avoid going into every single account to merge the data. HELP.

    OR do we not import the Client account data at all?? Doesn't make sense to me as the Client is the master data.

    TIA Jac


  6. Squarespace Acuity Scheduling >> Stripe Question

    I also found this in the Stripe help. What a joke, surely there is an easier way.  $71.37 is not an attractive number, plus the new Stripe fees are now more than the original ones. What year are we in???

    I'm currently implementing Scheduling for a SS Client with Stripe Payments and I'd also like to know where is the customer getting a receipt from for Appointments?? Do you have to configure that in Stripe? Because the Acuity Scheduling Price which is set in "Appointments" has no Tax or Fees information.
    So are the steps,

    1. Set a price in SS Scheduling (with the increased stripe fees as mentioned in Paul2009's message)
    2. When the customer pays, the CC transaction goes through Stripe.
    3. Customer Receives automated Order Receipt for a Package (from Squarespace Scheduling)

    ? Where do they receive the official receipt for "Appointments" with the breakdown of fees and taxes?
    >> This is the missing link for us - we are so confused.

    Some of our Package Prices are A$1900 for multiple Pilates sessions over a period of X weeks.
    So AUS $1900 x 1.75% fee + 0.30c fee = 1900 + 33.25 + 0.30 = 1933.55

    BUT if they choose to pay cash - I have to take those other fees off !!

    Thanks in advance

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