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  1. @lara_e Thank you! I actually only want to create that 2-product carousel on mobile effect on the related products, not the main shop page, so I think I'll need to target that specifically.
  2. My related products are showing up stacked, individually. I'd love for them to be two side by side in a carousel, the way summary blocks show up. How did you get yours side by side? The only thing I can think is to manually replace related products with an actual summary block.
  3. @Lesum Success! Thanks so much. I actually would like this styling for all secondary buttons, not just in the header. Do I just remove the #header part?
  4. Hi, I have added CSS to my site so that my secondary button (used here in my header) turns yellow on hover. However, the text is now turning white on hover rather than staying black. I've tried this code to keep it black on hover with no luck. .sqs-button-element--secondary:hover { background-color: #F6FAA0 !important; font-color: black !important; } If anyone has advice on how to maintain the black on hover, I'd really appreciate it!
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