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Everything posted by viennawoodworks

  1. I think I understand that the way it is coded it's namespace and is not truly a link however I'm not convinced that my website auditor is wrong for flagging it, because Google is now flagging any http code automatically. It doesn't matter if its a url or a declaration. I'm still not comfortable with risking my SEO because of some passive code that generates red flags. I really hope they get rid of this!!!! Is this on 7 and 7.1 sites? I have a lot of work to do on my site and I was trying to eliminate all of the red flag errors first.
  2. The line was flagged for having a link to an http instead of an https. So that code hasn't been updated in quite a while. The website SEO auditor looks for potential issues that harm sites as far as placing them in a higher (or lower in this case) rank. Any time code appears old or has the http instead of https, apparently it hurts SEO because not only is it outdated, it creates a level of Mixed security instead of being deemed a secure site. Obviously not a good thing. I don't know why Squarespace can't add an s and help everyone out here. This might actually cause me to go elsewhere even though I love SS and have had them for a VERY long time. If the very first line of your code is outdated, it's kind of working against good SEO. That's not a good look!
  3. http://viennawoodworks.com Good morning. I have looked in the site header code a couple of times and I have not been able to find it there. I haven't worked ton my site much in the past few years, and noticed I can't go to "settings, advanced,,,,, and I found the options to add code at the bottom of my website pages list now. I was able to remove some bad code i injected into my footer last night but I don't see this code in the header or footer sections. I looked at the index home page advanced setting and it isn't there either. Is there a way to figure out exactly where it is without going to developer mode? That's far too advanced for me and I need to be able to still use the back end of SS to add new products, etc. (The stuff we amateurs can actually do!) I was thinking I might need to hire a professional level to help me get rid of that code, maybe with a website editor but I don't even know how it would be possible to get rid of this.
  4. I have this issue and my website auditor keeps saying that it's a problem because http instead of https is making my site look unsecure. How did the below get on top of every page on my site and more importantly, how do I get rid of it? <html xmlns:og="http://opengraphprotocol.org/schema/" xmlns:fb="http://www.facebook.com/2008/fbml" lang="en-US" class="touch-styles"> <head>
  5. I have this same issue and my website auditor keeps saying that it's a problem because http instead of https is making my site look unsecure. How did the below get on top of every page on my site and more importantly, how do I get rid of it? <html xmlns:og="http://opengraphprotocol.org/schema/" xmlns:fb="http://www.facebook.com/2008/fbml" lang="en-US" class="touch-styles"> <head>
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