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Posts posted by kkf_magi

  1. Hi guys!


    I'm trying to verify myself as an Google owner of my website, but since I haven't found a solution anywhere I'm writing here.

    I chose one of their preferred methods - downloading  Google HTML file. I have to upload it on Website Tools - Code injection. But:

    1. How can I actually upload this file there (I tried to paste the hrml content but there is an error)?

    2. Do I need to upload it only on Header, or I have to upload it on Footer, Lock Page and other all pages as well?



    pass: purplebutterfly


    Thank you!

  2. Hi guys!


    I have the following problem - one of the pages on my website is translated different in Android and Apple mobile phones. Although on the Squarespace mobile view and iPhone everything seems okay, when I check the page on Android phone there is a totally mess up on the hole page. 

    Does anyone know how can I fix this, because I really don't see the problem on my Squarespace edit page?



    Password: purplebutterfly


    Thank you



  3. Hello!

    I added a custom IMDb icon to my social links. There are a couple of issues and since I haven't found a solution I'm writing here:


    1. The custom icon appears only on the footer, but not on the header.

    2. How can I make the icon the same as the other icons style, size, colors and hover effects on footer and header?

    3. On the about page there are custom colors added. so I need to change the color of the custom icon as well.

    4. I need it for desktop and mobile view as well.




    Pass: purplebutterfly



    Thank you!

  4. @LesumThank you so much! It works perfect except one thing - the menu lines on mobile view is not black now.  You can check it:

    Update: And also the "Work" menu doesn't have the hover effect on mobile

    And just one really final question - on my footer I added solid square frames to my social links that are black (for all black pages). In this About page they are still black. I'm attaching the image. How can I change the color of these black frames only on this About page , both for Desktop and Mobile view? Thank you so so much!


    Black Social Links.jpeg

  5. @tuanphan  Thank you for the response. Yes, all hover effects are fine now except the mobile view of the About 2 Page.  Probably I have made a mistake in the css code somewhere. I'm attaching the code for About 2 Page:  





      #block-yui_3_17_2_1_1717149715486_3373 p {
          font-family: 'Arial' !important;

    #block-979157697c9f4e2b8b39 p {
          font-family: 'Bebas' !important;



       .burger-inner>div {
          background-color: black !important;
        #collection-665990f3dafef7079b061afa header#header.shrink {
      background: white !important;
      .header-nav-folder-content {

       background: white !important;


    #header a {color: black !important;}




    My idea on this About 2 page was just to invert the black and white colors (for the main navigation and basically everything that is white to become black and vice versa) and to change the font of my bio text (which I was able to do) and nothing more.


    Thank you!

  6. @Lesum Thank you! I really don't understand anything of coding and everything that I've inserted is based on videos online and this forum. But since the sites are different it's very possible to have added wrong things. Here are the exact codes on About 2 Page: I'm not sure about the Burger line since I took it from another post here.




      #block-yui_3_17_2_1_1717149715486_3373 p {
          font-family: 'Arial' !important;

    #block-979157697c9f4e2b8b39 p {
          font-family: 'Bebas' !important;



       .burger-inner>div {
          background-color: black !important;
        #collection-665990f3dafef7079b061afa header#header.shrink {
      background: white !important;
      .header-nav-folder-content {

       background: white !important;


    #header a {color: black !important;}

  7. @Lesum I'm so sorry to ask you for the third time, but I've just seen one little issue - the hover css is perfect now on the About 2 Page Desktop view and on all other black pages both on desktop and mobile view. However on the mobile view of the About 2 Page only the navigation and menu hover color isn't working.  Is there a way to fix this?

    Thank you again, I've been researching for solutions for 3 days, but without a result before meet you 🙂

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