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Posts posted by jnicoleb

  1. @LeauxFi Thank you so much for your response as well as the explanations, this is super helpful! Your code worked great, but I am wanting to target a specific list, not all lists on the site. I have the "Squarespace ID Finder" chrome extension, which I believe should help me target the specific lists, but I am not sure how to go about using the ID's with CSS. Would you happen to know? Thank you again for your help! 

  2. Hi again, 

    On the "Medical Dermatology" page (can only be accessed from the 2nd section on the home page), I have a simple list that I am wanting to make only the images greyscale, and then when hovering over any list item (including the button), the image transitions to full color. 

    I would like the list.item.content to be full color from the start, and only have the image's greyscale change when hovering over any element in an individual list card. 

    Hopefully that makes sense, thank you in advance! 

    site: https://brannata-dermatology.squarespace.com/

    password: bd

  3. I also just noticed that when viewing any of the dropdown menu pages under "medical dermatology", the "Medical Dermatology" underline is spanning the same width as the dropdown menu "box area". I had do adjust the min-width of medical dermatology using this code: 

    .header-nav-item:nth-child(1) {
      min-width: 295px!important;

    because previously the dropdown menu wasn't wrapping the text properly so I just extended the box instead.

    If anyone could help me solely target the nav menu underline dimensions I would appreciate it too. 

    Screenshot 2024-04-30 at 11.31.45 AM.png

  4. Hi!

    When viewing my mobile menu while on the home page, "Medical dermatology" and "Cosmetic dermatology" are both underlined even though they are not active pages and aren't even clickable pages. When viewing the mobile menu on any page other than the home page, they aren't underlined which is how I would like it to be. 

    Does anyone know how to help fix this? Thank you in advance!

    site: https://brannata-dermatology.squarespace.com/

    password: bd

  5. Hi again, 😵‍💫

    I am wanting the "Request Appointment" button to show up on all screen sizes except mobile. 
    On mobile I am wanting to have the "Click to call now" button located in the hamburger menu.

    My problem is that when using the hamburger menu on tablet (portrait mode) it is showing the "Click to call button" when I want it to be the "Request Appointment" button. 

    Right now the "Request Appointment" button is made through custom CSS. The "Click to call now" button is the built in CTA header button, that I have tried to code to be hidden on desktop/tablet view. 

    site: https://brannata-dermatology.squarespace.com/
    password: bd

    hopefully that makes sense, and thank you so much to anyone who can help!! 

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