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Posts posted by LisaLMC

  1. On 2/9/2021 at 12:23 PM, paul2009 said:

    To help you with a coding question, we need to be able to view the page on your website. Please post a working link to the page on your site so that we can take a look.

    • The url will end with .squarespace.com.
    • Do not include the /config/ element.
    • If your site isn't live yet, we will only be able to use the link if you set a public password and tell us what it is. Adding a password won't affect the security of the site, but will enable the community to view the site.

    I would really like to know the instructions for doing this work around. I’m doing a gift box. They can choose a print of their choice and a greeting card of their choice. I didn’t know the issues I was going to have with inventory when I planned this. So I’m quite frustrated. I’m trying to set up the second variant as a separate product, as you suggested above. But first how I keep them from only adding variant #2? How do I link them? How do I set up so add to cart only shows up if they select from the first variant first?

    thank you. Hope to hear back very soon. 

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