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Posts posted by natroper

  1. Can someone please help me do the same thing on my page? I cannot seem to get it to work, and I am starting to get frustrated.


    I want the main "home" page and main "work" page to have a white logo (https://static1.squarespace.com/static/656f6322f1a4bb0295feb2a5/t/6570af7ee575f6555f5c8f37/1701883774118/JBD+long+logo+-+white.png), but I want the rest of the pages including the individual inner pages within the "work" section to have a black logo (https://static1.squarespace.com/static/656f6322f1a4bb0295feb2a5/t/6570af7e116d3527523b44d2/1701883774088/JBDbox_Final.png). 

    My website is: https://www.josephblakestudio.com

  2. I am using the "Quincy" Template and would like to have the Dynamic Header Style on my "Home" and "Work" pages. On these pages my logo is white and looks great! But on my "About," "Services," and "Contact" pages I would like to have a black logo. I am pretty ignorant when it comes to CSS and custom coding. Is there anyone that would be willing to help me write this code so I can finalize my website? I have attached both logo files here and the URL to my site and access password below. 




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