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AlexSan's post in Transparent Scrollbar Track was marked as the answer
The code you're using is working as intended.
However, I get what you're trying to do. The way people use to do it (setting scroll bar to overlay) is deprecated, and no longer works. It's a little more complicated to do now.
I would suggest using simplebar, however, this doesn't work on <body>, only on <div>. Take a look at this example: jsfiddle
Could also take a look at OverlayScrollbars. Not familiar with this one.
AlexSan's post in Custom code for UX on mobile only. was marked as the answer
Sounds like you're looking for snap scrolling on mobile? Something like this: https://bodacious.be/#what_we_do
If so, this forum post may be helpful: Snap Scroll CSS on Index Page
Hope that helps!
AlexSan's post in How to change Category Title Font Size? was marked as the answer
Right now, it looks like this is what it is set to. It is in a media query:
@media screen and (min-width: 768px), screen and (max-width: calc(1716.2px)) and (orientation: landscape) h2 { font-size: calc((var(--heading-2-size-value) - 1) * 1.2vw + 1rem); } Did you want it to be bigger or smaller? It may be a smart idea to keep the media query to keep the site responsive. However, if you want to edit the font-size yourself, you could try this:
.nested-category-title { font-size: 24px !important; } However, I suggest doing something like this, if you want it smaller:
@media screen and (min-width: 768px), screen and (max-width: calc(1716.2px)) and (orientation: landscape) h2 { font-size: calc((var(--heading-3-size-value) - 1) * 1.2vw + 1rem) !important; } I am just using the size value of heading 3, which is smaller than heading 2. Or if you want it bigger:
@media screen and (min-width: 768px), screen and (max-width: calc(1716.2px)) and (orientation: landscape) h2 { font-size: calc((var(--heading-1-size-value) - 1) * 1.2vw + 1rem) !important; } I am using the size value of heading 1, which is bigger than heading 2.
AlexSan's post in How to change colour of accordion dividers and Header 2 text was marked as the answer
@Jefferson0123 Not sure either, but I was able to find it!
Try the following code:
.sqs-block-accordion .accordion-item__title-wrapper, .sqs-block-accordion .accordion-divider { color: #7DB560; } Should look like this:
If you want the arrow to be green as well, then use this:
.sqs-block-accordion .accordion-item__title-wrapper, .sqs-block-accordion .accordion-divider, .sqs-block-accordion .arrow { color: #7DB560; } Let me know if that works.
AlexSan's post in Blog article footer links not displaying properly on mobile was marked as the answer
Think this would be much cleaner, looks great!