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Posts posted by emmaburtonblog

  1. On 1/11/2024 at 2:07 AM, tuanphan said:

    Try using this CSS code (Website Tools > Custom CSS)

    body.homepage {
    	overflow: hidden;
    @media screen and (max-width:767px) {
    body.homepage article section:first-child {
        height: 100vh !important;


    I believe this has worked! I can still see the red in edit mode at the bottom of the Home Screen, however when I go on my live site on my phone/laptop the red has gone! 


  2. No worries, the URL for my site which takes you to the homepage with the issue is:


    When you scroll down to the sentence between 'Emma Burton' there are the words 'Blog' and 'Interviews' highlighted in green which is meant to take you to a different page when you click on them. I've done this by attaching the URL landing page to the words, however it isn't working? 




  3. I have linked URLs on the words 'blog' and 'interviews' on my homepage. It worked on my preview before launching my website, but now it doesn't let you click the words to take you to the destination page? 

    I've tried going into my domain and edited it again to redo the links, but it's not working!

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