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Posts posted by Ellam

  1. Hi, 

    I am trying to customise my sites header. At the moment I have a dynamic heading on my pages, and I have used some custom code to get the transparent to change to black on scroll. I would like the header dropdown to do the same thing.

    I also want to centre the dropdown items in line with the navigation links. I have used some custom code to centre the dropdown but they aren't in line with the nav links.  And I would like to reduce the width of the dropdown. At the moment the clickable padding on the nav links seems too big as the dropdown doesn't change immediately when I move between links (moving from 'products' to 'about' and back to 'products' is glitchy.

    Site url: https://tortoise-saffron-fc2h.squarespace.com/about

    Password: Turtle2000!


    @tuanphan perhaps you might be able to help?

  2. On 4/2/2023 at 9:22 AM, tuanphan said:

    Yes. Settings > Advanced > Code Injection > Footer

    Hi Tuan, 

    Have you any ideas on how I might get this code to update when different variants are selected? Each variant has a different SKU code, but when I click a different variant, the SKU remains the same which is a bit misleading to the customer. 

  3. On 10/9/2021 at 6:34 PM, Sophik said:

    this is what i did to insert the SKU right below the price on a single product page (don't have this for category/list page)... hope it helps.

    jQuery(document).ready(function() {
    jQuery("<div id='sku'></div>").insertAfter(".ProductItem-product-price" );
    var pathname = window.location.pathname;
      url: pathname + "?format=json-pretty",
      dataType: "json",
      success: function (data) {
        sku = data.item.structuredContent.variants[0].sku;
    jQuery("#sku").html("<b>SKU:</b> " + sku);


    Hi Sophik,


    I installed this code to display the product SKU code on the product page itself and it works great. My only question is wether it is possible to have the SKU change when the viewer selected a different variant? Each variant has a different SKU code, but when I click a different variant, the SKU remains the same which is a bit misleading to the customer. image.thumb.png.7990b3c53792e4b1bc77e7e8d2f05241.png

  4. Hi Creedon, 

    I have another question - not sure if this is possible but I would like the section that alternates between categories to be a section of sliding images. The only way I have found to add the sliding images (similar to the attached .png) is through a portfolio section. As far as I'm aware you can't add a block to one of these sections. Is there a workaround you can think of?


    Screenshot 2023-09-14 131503.png

  5. Hi, I'm trying to add a different header image to each category page of my store, so for example if a viewer clicks on 'climbing frames' they are presented with example images of some of our climbing frames, or if they click on 'swings' they are presented with example images of some of our swings. Is there a way to do this? 

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