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Posts posted by Margaux

  1. Hi there,

    Still me and my small company store 😆

    I'm pretty much done now, and I'm struggling with a little thing (well I hope it's little).

    I successfully managed to replace the customer login text link in the main navigation into an svg icon, but when hovering it, there are two underlines appearing (see picture attached).


    We do have a custom hover effect for the entire navigation, but it should be just one line (the other items are working just fine). 

    So I would like to remove these underlines ONLY on the customer icon item.

    Is there a way to do that without breaking to whole hover effect ?


    Thanks !


    Site URL : https://www.la-bise.fr/
    Pages under dropdown menu are protected, but if needed, password is : labisestore

    Capture d’écran 2023-11-22 à 16.53.30.png

  2. Hi there,

    I'm currently working on adding a small store on my company website (Business Plan on 7.1), and I'm facing an issue I can't resolve.

    I've added several variants, and the buttons are not displayed on the product page (any product). They do exist, 'cause when I go hover them I can see them, but the default "state" seems to be hidden. 

    I tried removing all custom CSS I've been adding, I also tried deleting the product and created a new one but it didn't change anything, so I don't know where the problem is.

    Does anyone has an idea ?

    Thanks !

    Page url https://www.la-bise.fr/les-produits/p/lampe-2
    Password : labisestore

  3. Hi there, 

    I'm setting up a small e-commerce for my company website (Business plan), and I added some blocks on the "additional info" option in the product settings.


    It looks fine on website, but on mobile, as I found out, spacers are not displayed (https://support.squarespace.com/hc/en-us/articles/206566717-Spacer-blocks#:~:text=Spacer blocks placed above)

    Is there a way to increase space between blocks on mobile, for all product pages ?



    Site url https://labise.squarespace.com/lechoppe/p/lampe-2
    Password : labisestore


    Thanks !

  4. Hi everyone, 

    I tried looking on the forum if anyone had the same question, but I only found half of the solution (which is already great ^^)

    Site url : https://sailfish-porpoise-m85e.squarespace.com/blog/blog-post-title-two-erhxs-rgb35-6pzex

    I'm working on a blog post, and I would like to custom the "Image card block" so that the image is smaller and aligned to the left, and I would like the text to be aligned on the left too, and I also would like it to fill the red block here :



    I already found this code to custom the image size :

    #block-yui_3_17_2_1_1692881181534_18562.sqs-block-image .image-inset {
        max-width: 40%;
        height: auto;
        margin: 1 auto;

    As you can see,  I played a bit with it and managed to move the image to the left.


    Is it possible to move the text and make it fill the block ?

    Thanks !

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