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Posts posted by bbarcode

  1. Hey!

    I added some inset box-shadows and border-radius properties to the map and form fields on my site. They show up in the backend mobile preview for Squarespace but not on my actual phone live (iPhone 13 Pro, everything is up to date). I've attached some images to showcase what I am talking about. This applies for both the Home Page map and Contact Us Page. If anyone knows what could be the root cause, would help out immensely!

    Site URL: bananabarcode.com (No Password)

    Frame 100.png

  2. Hey!

    Been bending my head over this. I am trying to configure the site search engine built into 7.1. I find that it comes up with related products in the search results and tends to be a bit of a hit or a miss (also a bit slow and unresponsive to close-match search). 

    By chance,  does anyone know how to configure the site search to show results in a grid format? Also, is there a way to have it stop redirecting to a separate search page?

    I might be asking a bit too much out of this built-in search engine so if there is a better option, I am also open to it!

    Thank you in advance!

    Site: bananabarcode.com (no password)

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