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Posts posted by SpaResearch

  1. Hi, 

    I am in the process of transferring my site from 7.0 to 7.1

    In 7.0, I had the business plan with a google workspace email and the domain from a third party.

    For 7.1, I transferred my content, started the business plan, and transferred the domain to Squarespace.

    I am currently canceling my 7.0 business subscription but my google workspace is connected to it. 

    How do I transfer my google workspace the correct way?

    I have tried contacting Squarespace Customer Care but have only landed on Help Center pages.

    Thank you, 



  2. Hi, 

    I would like to upgrade my Squarespace business account from the 7.0 Wells template to a 7.1 Pazari template.

    I started editing on the 7.1 Pazari template on a free-trial basis to see if I like it and realized it might not be easy to switch my domain over.

    When I tried to change the template from my 7.0 settings, there was no 7.1 option.

    What is the best way to upgrade my account and change templates?

  3. Hi, I use this outdated Wells template as well and have upgraded to a business account. I have tried my best to inject Javascript to add a footer but I am lost on how to add text with links.

    My site is spa-research.com

    I would like to add "terms  |  privacy  |  disclaimer" centered in the footer with links to the pages that are titled as is. I currently have the layout I would like on the "home" page.

    thank you

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