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Posts posted by Aaron787

  1. On 1/21/2024 at 8:19 AM, tuanphan said:

    You can use this CSS code to Website Tools (under Not Linked) > Custom CSS

    @media screen and (max-width:767px) {
    	.mobile-arrows {
    		display: none !important;
    .desktop-arrows {
    	display: none !important;

    Hey Tuanphan

    Thank you for the help.

    This a good tempory solution. Ideally, I would like to move the arrows back up to where the image is, to give visitors a prompt to scroll. Any clue on how to do this?

    Kind regards


  2. Hi all.

    I have created a list carousel which looks fine on desktop. however when viewed on mobile (my primary viewership) the arrows fall to the bottom and create a gap which doesn't look ideal. does anyone know how to centralise the arrows back to the middle?

    WhatsApp Image 2024-01-19 at 12.05.11_58ea286a.jpg

  3. Hello.

    I have created a consent form page on my site. The terms and conditions section is understandably long however it makes the page look too long and I don't think it's a great experience for clients. I would like to put this section alone (terms and conditions) into a scroll box. Does anyone have any ideas on how/where to code this ?  I have attached an image for reference. 

    Thanks !


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