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Posts posted by RDDigital

  1. I have an issue close to the above but different. My website has two stores. Store A (https://www.wanasambo.com/shop-ng) is a store that was created on Ecwid and embedded on a page on squarespace. Store B (wanasambo.com/shop/all-garments) is the default squarespace store. 

    When someone is on Store A. He sees 2 add to cart icons. One at the navigation bar which is from store B, and the other one is just before the footer, which is for store A. 

    Customers could get confused and click on the wrong add to cart icon when shopping on store A. 

    Is there a way to either hide store B's add to cart icon showing on the navigation menu when someone is shopping on Store A, but when they get to store B, the add to cart icon can be showing. 

    Or if that is not possible, can a new cart button be placed somewhere in the product page where it can only be seen by anyone on store B's product page, but it can't appear on other pages or Store A? 


    Please note that I have just turned off the cart icon that was showing on the navigation menu and I created a custom add to cart button on the product listing page of store B. But this add to cart button is not showing on the product page. So if someone adds an item to their cart, it automatically redirects them to the checkout page. 

    I want customers to add an item to the cart and still stay on the page. And there should be a cart icon or button somewhere where they can click to view their cart. This button should not be placed where it can be seen by anyone on store A. 

  2. I have a squarespace website that has 2 stores using 2 different currencies. The first store (https://www.wanasambo.com/shop/all-garments) was built on squarespace, while the second store (https://www.wanasambo.com/shop-ng) was built on Ecwid and embedded on the site.
    The issue I have with the site is:

    1. The ecwid store comes with its own add to cart icon which is below the product listing page and the squarespace website has its own add to cart button which is at the navigation menu.  When you are shopping at the Ecwid site, you can still see the squarespace add to cart icon at the navigation menu. Customers can get confused seeing two different add to cart icons showing simultaneosly.
    2. The video banner on the squarespace website does not look okay, and it does not auto play when the browser loads.

    My questions are:

    • Is it possible to hide the squarespace add to cart icon when someone is on the Ecwid store? If no, can I turn off the add to cart icons in the settings area and create a custom add to cart icon that will not display when a customer is on the Ecwid store?
    • I want the video banner showing on the squarespace store to be similar to the one showing on the Ecwid store. I mean I want the video dimensions to be the same and it should also auto play when the browser loads. 

    If all or any of these are possible, I need someone to kindly help with the code to use in implementing it please. The website is passworded but you can see below screenshots for better understanding please.






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