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Posts posted by hannahnowlan

  1. Hi @tuanphan,

    Thanks. I have already decreased the newsletter block to as small as it goes, whilst still remaining in a single line (not stacked).

    I am hoping to change the pre-determined width of each input field text box.
    See image attached, I have highlighted in yellow lines the spaced areas between the input fields. I would like to reduce this spacing between them, but keep the newsletter box displaying in one line this this (not stacked).

    Screen Shot 2024-04-17 at 10.09.33 pm.png

  2. Hi @tuanphan

    I am editing the Mobile Footer on my site.
    I've successfully added some of your code from this thread to centre align the footer on mobile view. 
    I'm still struggling to get the Accordian Title to centre (the description centre aligned is working well).

    I also can't get the newsletter block input (placeholder) fields to centre align in mobile view.

    And lastly, the 3 x text blocks at base of footer, I'd like these NOT to be centre aligned, is that possible?

    URL: landerse.au

    I have applied this code:

    @media only screen and (max-width:640px){#footer-sections p {text-align:center !important;}}

    /* accordion on mobile */
    @media screen and (max-width:650px) {
    span.accordion-item__title {
        text-align: center !important;}
    .accordion-item__description * {
        text-align: center !important;}}

    @media screen and (max-width:650px) { newsletter-block .newsletter-form-field-element::placeholder {
      text-align: center !important;}}


    Thanks for your help,


    Screen Shot 2024-04-06 at 10.41.03 pm.png

    Screen Shot 2024-04-06 at 10.41.13 pm.png

  3. Hi again @Beyondspace

    I've added the following to website css but it doesn't seem to be changing the background.
    Have I done something incorrectly?

    Also, it seems to be interfering with some of my other footer custom code.

    Thanks for you help!

    //Custom footer background image//
    section[data-section-id="66015b5d26f89479f48e33b2"] footer .section-background-canvas.background-fx-canvas {  visibility: hidden;}

    section[data-section-id="66015b5d26f89479f48e33b2"] footer .section-background-overlay {
      background-image: url(https://static1.squarespace.com/static/63fb26284dc33403d8683ef2/t/66022a309154a32f34e8497a/1711417914168/Stone.png);
      opacity: 1 !important;}

  4. Hi everyone,

    I'm wondering if anyone has custom css to change the Footer Background Image for each page.

    I have four different footer background images to suit different colour pages on my site.
    ie. red image to match red page, cream image to match cream page. 

    Would it be possible to use sample code below but to tailor it to target the footer background image instead?
    That way I can add the specific image URL into each pages advance code?

    Site URL: landerse.au
    Password:  red

    Thanks for your help,


    #page {
    background-image: url(https:URL) !important;
    background-repeat: no-repeat; background: transparent;}
    .page-section {background: transparent !important;}
  5. Hi, I'd also like my footer to be transparent on all pages to follow colour of each page. I'd tried implementing code 7.1 without .homepage but it doesn't seem to work, instead it tweaks other elements of the footer but not the background colour to tranparent as desired. Any help would be appreciated site URL is landerse.au

  6. Hi, I have a footer newsletter block, and I wish to edit the button hover with CSS.

    The button has white text on a transparent background.
    Upon hover, the button has a white background with transparent text.

    I'm trying to remove the hover effect entirely, so the button stays white text transparent background when you click on it.

    No codes I have tried seem to work.

    button.newsletter-form-button.sqs-system-button:hover {opacity: 0 !important;}
    (This blanks out the button upon clicking, removing background and font, but I want to keep the font)

    Thanks for your help,

    URL: https://landerse.squarespace.com/

    Site password: red


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