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Posts posted by Jardena

  1. I run a website with a significant visual element, and I am attempting to change the colour of an individual blog post. I found CSS solutions for people having this issue in 7.0, but haven't found anything for 7.1. 

    I also tried inserting custom CSS that @tuanphan had posted elsewhere, but it did not work for me in this case. I am a CSS newbie, so it could be simply that I had issues finding the correct section-id when I inspected the elements on the page.

    Your help would be so very appreciated!

    The website is https://www.oursingingbodies.com/the-project and I would like the background of posts to be white but the most recent post (not yet published) to have a black background. 


  2. Hi @tuanphan! Thank you so much for your help. No, unfortunately, it didn't resolve the issue- sorry for the confusion. 

    I switched the images to buttons in an effort to help with resizing on mobile, but now am dealing with an issue of the buttons being different sizes and that impacting the spacing. Is there a way to make the buttons on this webpage a uniform size (or ratio, so they resize well on mobile) instead of having the size be impacted by the length of text?

    Again, we are looking at this webpage -- www.sparksandwirycries.org

  3. Hi all! 

    I built a website for this non-profit, and am using images as buttons on the homepage in order to create a graphic look and link to the three main actions they are expecting visitors to the site will want to do. However, because I've made these buttons as images with embedded links, their size looks strange on mobile (too big and out of proportion with the first graphic on the site). Is there something that I can do to make these size differently on desktop vs mobile?

    They are using 7.0 and the Tudor template.

    Your help is so appreciated-- as well as any other feedback you might have for me!

    Screen Shot 2022-12-12 at 4.59.49 PM.png

    Screen Shot 2022-12-12 at 5.00.05 PM.png

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